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It is a man. He is in undress. He fight. He cry, 'Oh! Oh! Oh! just like that. We hold him tight, and bime-by pretty quick, he stop. Then we get up, and I say, 'Come along back." "Who was the man?" La Flitche turned partly, and rested his eyes on St. Vincent. "Go on." "So? The man he will not go back; but John and I say yes, and he go." "Did he say anything?"

Saunders slowly, "I kind of cal'late she started herself. There was some of the boys in here most of the evenin', and, jest like's not, a cigar butt, or a match, or somethin' dropped somewheres and got to smolderin', and smoldered along till bime-by puff!" An expressive wave of a fat hand finished the sentence. "Humph!" grunted the Captain. "Changed your mind sence last night.

Hop Yet, we go now; if Dicky comes back, you blow the horn yourself, will you? 'All light, boss. You eat um dinner now; then go bime-by; mutton heap cold; you 'Dinner! shouted Jack. 'Confound your impudence! If you say dinner again, I'll cut the queue off your stupid head. 'Good! murmured Polly, giving a savage punch to her blue Tam o' Shanter cap. 'Jack, Jack! remonstrated Aunt Truth.

Why, even the rattlesnakes pulled out of the country! Somehow the papers got hold of it and bime-by some grub was shipped in and give around, but us Briskows didn't get none. Pa'd die before he'd beg." The girl was herself now; she was talking naturally, feelingly, and her voice was both deep and pleasing.

He hunt, he bring plenty meat to the camp, wherefore White River Sticks like him. Gow have one squaw, Pisk-ku. Bime-by John Borg make preparation to go 'way. He go to Gow, and he say, 'Give me your squaw. We trade. For her I give you many things. But Gow say no. Pisk-ku good squaw. No woman sew moccasin like she. She tan moose-skin the best, and make the softest leather. He like Pisk-ku.

I could see he was scared by the complexion of his hands and feet, as they clawed the air. He actually sweat so the drops fell on the floor. Bime-by we let him down, and he was awfully relieved though his feet were not more than two inches from the floor any of the time.

"See here, Sterry," he said, assuming an affected jocularity which deceived no one, "I'll own you've played it on me mighty fine. But you can't stand there all night with your Winchester p'inted at me, and bime-by I'll git tired; can't we fix the matter up some way?"

They claim that works of art, invention, manufacture, etc., are as sexless as religion, and you know our Lord said plain of men and wimmen, "Ye are one in Christ." I wuz glad enough to see it, it seems to bring us nigher to the day of justice and true liberty for all. But by standin' on tip-toe I can catch a faint glow in the East showin' that the day is goin' to break in rosy splendor bime-by.

Lonesome any? Goin' to let me carry ye back to Hastings afore the 'Gull' stops runnin'?" "No," said Noll, bravely, "I'm going to stay, skipper." "Ye'll find the weather a tough un, bime-by," drawled Mr. Snape, as he rolled a flour-barrel up the sand. "Yes," said the skipper, "winters are mos'ly hard uns down here.

No spend money. Bime-by, plenty. Pretty good, I think, go down and see White Man's Land. Very fine, White Man's Land, very fine," she added. Her English puzzled him, for Sandy and he had sought, constantly, to better her speech, and she had proved an apt pupil. Now it seemed that she had sunk back into her race. Her face was guileless, stolidly guileless, giving no cue.