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What wrecked her?" demanded Moran. The deserting Chinamen huddled around Charlie, drawing close, as if finding comfort in the feel of each other's elbows. "No can tell," answered Charlie. "Him shake, then lif' up all the same as we. Bime-by too much lif' up; him smash all to Four-piecee Chinamen dlown." "Drown! Did any of them drown?" exclaimed Moran.

Plenty soon bime-by him sleep for good, I tink." There was little blood to be seen when Wilbur gently unwrapped the torn sleeve of a blouse that had been used as a bandage. Just under the armpit was the mark of the bullet a small puncture already closed, half hidden under a clot or two of blood.

When I started, I'd put a couple of sour-dough biscuits and some sowbelly in my pocket in case I might get hungry. And I'm tellin' you that lunch came in right handy before I was done with it. "Bime-by I hit upon the likeliest little birch saplin', right in the middle of a clump of jack pine. Jest as I raised my hand-ax I happened to cast my eyes down the hill.

I no sabe Dicky; he allee time lun loun camp; I no look; too muchee work. I chop hash Dicky come in kitch' make heap work no good. I tell him go long he go; bime-by you catchum; you see. Whereupon he gracefully skinned an onion, and burst into a Chinese song, with complete indifference as to whether Dicky lived or died.

After he had put the glass down, Jim still stood beside the bed, looking at him. "Why don't you go, as I tell you, Jim?" Ingolby asked wearily. "I'm goin'" Jim tucked the bedclothes in carefully "I'm goin', but, boss, I jes' want to say dat dis thing goin' to come out all right bime-by. There ain't no doubt 'bout dat. You goin' see everything, come jes' like what you want suh!"

For them pore yaps jes' sat there, each with his little glass thermometer in his mouth, a-waitin' and a-waitin' and never sayin' a word. Then bime-by Bud, who's a-holdin' of the watch on 'em, sings out 'Time! an' they all takes their thermometers out an' looks at 'em careful-like to see where they stand. "'Mine's ninety-nine, says one. "An' another says: "'Mine's a hundred.

I'm just a-hopin' hopin' I'll wake up bime-by and find it's on'y a bad dream." Then, with sudden and agonizing emphasis: "My God, son! they been butcherin' one 'nother down yonder for four long weeks!" "I can't help that!" was the savage response. "It's a battle to the death, and the smoke of it has got into my blood.

"I nev' do know enough to quit when I git thoo. Ain't it somewher's in the Bible 'at it says some folks is bawn troublesome, and some goes round huntin' for trouble, and some has trouble jammed up ag'inst 'em?" "You can't prove it by me," Tom laughed. "I believe Shakespeare said something like that about greatness." "Well, nev' mind; whoa, Saladin, boy, we'll git round to you ag'in, bime-by.

The crew was sadly frightened, and I sought in vain, in the two dog-watches, for Tom Spink, to ask him if he thought the carpenter, astern, had opened wide the bag- mouth and loosed all his tricks. For the first time I saw the steward apprehensive. "Too much," he told me, with ominous rolling head. "Too much sail, rotten bad damn all to hell. Bime-by, pretty quick, all finish. You see."

Bime-by Thomas began to come up and so did the other feller William Obadiah Seaman, his name was. For a long time I couldn't make up my mind which of them to take, and they kep' coming and coming, and I kep' worrying. Y'see, W.O. was rich he had a fine place and carried considerable style. He was by far the best match. Jog along, black mare." "Why didn't you marry him?" asked Anne.