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I'm just a-hopin' hopin' I'll wake up bime-by and find it's on'y a bad dream." Then, with sudden and agonizing emphasis: "My God, son! they been butcherin' one 'nother down yonder for four long weeks!" "I can't help that!" was the savage response. "It's a battle to the death, and the smoke of it has got into my blood.

"It's the last time they'll catch me butcherin' for 'em," he growled. "If I can't hit a man, I won't shute." One more night in the Casa de Montezuma, with Thurstane for officer of the guard. His arrangements were like Meyer's: the animals in the rear rooms of the Casa; Coronado's squad in one of the outer rooms, and Meyer's in the other; a sentry on the roof, and another in the plaza.

So hyar goes for a bit o' butcherin'." As the guide thus delivered himself, Hamersley saw him jerk the bowie knife from his belt, its blade red and still reeking with human gore. In another instant its edge was drawn across the throat of the horse, from which the blood gushed forth in a thick, strong stream, like water from the spout of a pump.

If we'd only been satisfied with that! "Well, that black silk made everything else look dreadful mean. 'Twas then you spoke to Laban about choosin' a brand. Satan put it into my head to say S. It scart Laban. He was butcherin' then, and he surmised what I was after; I persuaded him 'twas for the children's sake. The first steer paid for Emanuel's baby clothes and cradle.

'Skitter Bend, says the puncher. 'Ain't got nothin' fer you, says the foreman quick; 'guess this ain't no butcherin' bizness! An' that's jest how it is right thro' with Skitter Bend," Shaky finished up, drenching the spittoon against the bar with consummate accuracy. "Right dead right," said Twirly, with a laugh.

"Och," she laughed, "I'm done wid followers, me dear. To tell ye the truth, Mr. Watlin and I are plannin' to git hitched up, before the New Year. An uncle of his have died and left him enough to start him in the butcherin' business on his own account. So maybe you'll dance at me weddin' yet." "I'll give you a nice present, Mary Ellen, dear," I promised, putting my arm around her.

He goes after him to claim his right, as calm an' foolish as a sheep in a butcherin' yard. An' I'd say right here ther' ain't one of us in this store would have had the grit chasin' for his wife wher' Zip's bin chasin' " "Not for a wife, sure," interjected Sandy. Toby smothered a laugh, but became serious under Sunny's contemptuous eye. "That's like you, Sandy," he cried. "It's sure like you.

If they've been treated proper, it's the same as proved. Ye let 'em out o' the bear trap which it has often happened. But you hear to me, when they go off this way it's to kill an' grab an' hustle back with the booty. They won't stop at butcherin'!" "I'm afraid my folks are in danger," said the boy as he changed color. "Er mebbe Peter Boneses' 'cordin' to the way they go.

They might tak' me, and do what they'n a mind wi' me, at their butcherin' shops. But her Here the strong man was swept by another convulsive storm of feeling too deep for utterance. Subduing his passion by a supreme effort of will, he continued: 'However, them as knows best says as it's her only chance, and I'm noan goin' agen it. I shall go daan wi' her mysel' to-morn.

"Ef on'y dem yeh heathen don't took to butcherin'!" the cook muttered. The prophetic words were scarcely spoken when what we most feared came to pass.