Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: August 29, 2024
Prior to the invention of the refrigerator-car, the business of the packer was to cure salt meats and pack them for transportation. Besides this, he supplied the local market with fresh meats. Up to the early Eighties fresh meat was not shipped any distance except in midwinter, and then as frozen meat.
Claims on William's Creek produced as high as forty pounds of gold in a day. From another creek, only four hundred feet long, fifty thousand dollars' worth of gold was washed within a space of six weeks. Lightning Creek yielded a hundred thousand dollars in three weeks. In one year gold to the value of two and a half million dollars was shipped from Cariboo.
Until noon of that day all householding families had been driven to huddle with their cattle around the harbor dock and forced to make pens for the cattle of lumber which had been piled there for transportation. Unresisting as sheep they let themselves be shipped on four small armed steamers sent by their enemies to carry them into exile.
During this struggle of my feelings, our vessel shipped a tremendous sea over her poop, and then angrily shook her head, and seemed resolved to buffet the raging elements with all her might and main.
On September 1st the Clearing House banks were anxious to determine what was the amount, measured in money, of securities sold in New York by Europe and not yet received. The object of obtaining this information was to know what demand would be made upon the loan market if, at any time, these securities should be shipped.
He had been a perfect stranger to him when he shipped for the voyage, being a native of Canada, and from the frozen condition of his heart no one would have doubted it; had he been a Nantucket man, master Harry would have found it more difficult in getting away so privately; as it was, no inquiries were made of him.
The boatswain did but jog against him, and he swore so woundily at him and stared at him so, wi' een like a tiger-cat, that Job Harrison says we have shipped the devil himsel. The men don't like the look of him, your honour! 'Who the plague can this spark be? said the skipper. 'Go on deck, Jem, and tell him that I am counting my live stock, and that I shall be with him anon.
In the year 1779, arrangements were made with William Davidson to provide a number of masts at the River St. John. Mon. Diereville states that in 1700 the man of war Avenant, of 44 guns, shipped at St. John some very fine masts for the French navy, which had been manufactured by 14 carpenters and mast makers. These were safely delivered in France after a prosperous voyage of 33 days.
Here, in a little cove, lay a small schooner, the Cowrie, whose decks had but a few days since run red with the blood of her officers and the loyal members of her crew, for the Cowrie had fallen upon bad days when it had shipped such men as Gust and Momulla the Maori and that arch-fiend Kai Shang of Fachan.
He also, by letter to the village authorities at Duffy's Corners, Arkansas, gave order that the remains of the late twins be embalmed by some St. Louis expert and shipped at once to the usurper with bill.
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