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Updated: August 21, 2024

Say how dretful it must be to go down into the cold, dark ground, and be shut up in a tight box, 'nd want to git out git out 'nd keep hollerin' 'nd a-hollerin', and nobody come to fetch yer, cause yer's dead!" "Oh, Patsy, child, stop such fearful thoughts! I hope people are glad and willing to stay when they are dead.

"I knowed he'd git hurt," he explained to the bandage, torn from the edge of his kerchief, which he carefully bound around his last wound. Down in the arroyo Johnny was complaining. "This yer's a no good bunk," he plaintively remarked. "It shore ain't but it's th' best we kin find," apologized Billy. "That's th' sixth that feller sent up there.

The woman seemed stimulated, for a few moments, to an unnatural strength, and worked with desperate eagerness. "See that you keep to dat ar," said the man, "or yer'll wish yer's dead tonight, I reckin!" "That I do now!" Tom heard her say; and again he heard her say, "O, Lord, how long! O, Lord, why don't you help us?"

I thought Mr. Johnson was gwyn to give me some gold too, so I could buy Roxy, but yer's all he give me. Everybody disappints me, Jimmy!" Jack Wonnell showed an old silver fi'penny bit, and his countenance was so lugubrious that the sailor exclaimed, "Jack, he paid you too well for all the sense you got. Now, whar has Levin gone with the Ellenora Dennis?" "I don't know, Jimmy.

"I know one on yer's going to play a toon on the centre-bit while t'other sings the pop'lar and original air o' `Gentle Jemmy in the 'ouse. Now, then, no gammon! Come on!" "Hadn't we better walk to the station with him, and explain to his officer?" said the lieutenant, mildly. "No!" cried Dick, angrily; "we'll make him understand here! Don't be absurd, constable; this is a gentleman "

To the whole world I commend the good brotherhood of Maple, and pass on the emphatic indorsement of a blessed old black woman who came to my room the other day, and, standing before the rollicking blaze on my hearth, said, "Bless yer, honey, yer's got a wood-fire. I'se allers said that, if yer's got a wood-fire, yer's got meat, an' drink, an' clo'es." Choice of Colors.

There was but one sentiment, one voice. "It's a thousand shames she ain't a man," said some of the young men. "It 'ud be a thousand times more ef she wuz," retorted Angy Plummer. "I'd like to see the man that 'ud do what she does, a comin' right close to the very heart o' yer's ef she was your mother 'n' your sister 'n' your husband, and a blessed angel o' God, all ter once."

Now I tells yer, honey, what dis yer's got ter du wid it. Yer see, it must ha' been nigh about a half-hour atter Nimbus left afore Berry went off; jes dat er way I tole yer "bout." "Well?" said Mollie, inquiringly. "Wal," continued Lugena, "don't yer see? Dar hain't been nary word heard from neither one o' dem boys sence." "Well?" said Mollie, knitting her brows in perplexity.

Yer's a boy that won't play you; yer's a chap that's white and square, white and square, Tommy: them's the very words I used." He paused for a moment, and then went on in a confidential whisper, "'You want capital, Johnson, sez I, 'to develop your resources, and you want a pardner. Capital you can send for, but your pardner, Johnson, your pardner is right yer.

After a moment or two Miss Warren's door opened, and her light step passed down to the kitchen. She, too, had been on the watch for the coming of the domestic, and, if aware that I had seen the woman, did not regard me as competent to enlighten her as to her duties for the day. The kitchen divinity began at once: "Lord a massy, Miss Em'ly, what a time yer's all had! The strange man told me.

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