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"Sure!" replied the other. "I will do it myself. Vy did I go through the Commune?" And so the whole family adjourned to the attic, and the little printing outfit was dragged out from under the piles of rubbish. "I used it myself," said the old carpet designer. "But vhen I come here they give me a varning, and I haf not dared. For two years I haf not even been to the meetings of the local."

Or, at any rate, that was my feeling; every note she uttered was melodiously kind, but every sentence was an arrow sent home. "You make me," she said, "you make me sink of se aunt of my musser, vhat she said to my musser vhen my musser iss getting married. 'Senda, she said, 'vonce in a vhile' is sat right, 'vonce in a vhile? so?

But I can tell you de name of de man who had; ay, and I can put him into your power, if you like; he is a villain, and it would be only doing a good action to betray him to justice. I vill do it, too, if you vill release me at vonce; I vill tell you all about him, vhere he is to be found vhen he visits de river, de name of his cheep, and and all dat is necessairey for you to know."

I s'pose you know we've all sorts of meetin's in this country?" "Nein; I dought dere might be meetin's for bolitics, vhen der beople might coome, but I don't know vhat else." "Is't possible! What, have you no 'indignation meetin's' in Jarmany? We count a great deal on our indignation meetin's, and both sides have'em in abundance, when things get to be warm.

You rascal Hugo, you nefer tell nodding to your ole friend Stefan, but he know all de same. But vhen I got to go I couldn't say nodding. I leaf de paper on de table here an' I tank how happy he is vhen he come home an' find it. You poor leetle leddy!" The man was mistaken, most honestly so, for no idea of love had ever entered Hugo's head, and none had come to Madge.

If it's a pint of vhisky, vhy, all right; but if it's honly a pint of beer vhen there's seven hon'able ladies an' gents " "I bigs the Chair's pardon," interrupted Mr. O'Fake, "but the Chair labors under a slight misaper ahem!" Mr. O'Fake finished the word with a cough. It was a cough which he always kept ready for use in that way whenever needed. "The gintleman manes he objects to the persadin's."

"Well, I suppose you've ordered an album full of views," says Mrs. Baldwin, pleasantly trying to cover up the awkwardness of our return. "No," I answer, taken unawares, for by this time I have quite forgotten the object of my errand. "We found the gallery farther away than I expected, and " "Vhen ve get dthere it vas close," says the Baron in a calm, well-controlled voice.

Vhen he go in de post-office she alvays smile awful sveet at Hugo, and dere's dem as say she vere pretty mad because he don't never pay no attention. Vhat he care for de red-headed t'ing?" "She looks after all the mail, doesn't she?" asked the doctor. "Yes, McGurn he too busy vid oder t'ings. De gal tends to all de letters an' papers." This seemed an indication worth following.

Efery body loaf you, you loaf nobody, and vhen a man say 'You air charmante, you say 'Vill ve feeshe to-day? If a man say 'You haf eyes wie die Sternen im Himmel' you ask 'Hear you dthose bells of San Blas? and vhen a man say 'I loaf you to deestraction' you tell him 'I do so like dthose qveer Megsican Eendians." The Baron strikes the pavement violently with his stick.

The animal looked at her, uncertainly, but suddenly he passed a big moist tongue over her face. Could he have realized that her saving grace might avert condign punishment? The girl petted him as Stefan turned the toboggan and its load right side up. "You ain't feared of dem togs," he called to her. "And you vasn't afraid vhen dey dump you out. You's a blucky gal all right, leddy!"