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Ze varning vas to him obviously, so you should not turn it upon me." Bunker opened his eyes. "A deuced ingenious argument," he commented. "It wouldn't have occurred to me if you hadn't explained. Then you claim the privilege of wooing whom you wish?" "Wooing! You forget zat I am married, Bonker." "Oh no, I remember perfectly." His tone disturbed the Baron.

"There's no fear of 'um," retorted the fellow, raising his voice to an unnecessary pitch; "but listen to my varning you'll find not a bit of gold there."

"Sure!" replied the other. "I will do it myself. Vy did I go through the Commune?" And so the whole family adjourned to the attic, and the little printing outfit was dragged out from under the piles of rubbish. "I used it myself," said the old carpet designer. "But vhen I come here they give me a varning, and I haf not dared. For two years I haf not even been to the meetings of the local."

"You are not vorking in the right place!" shouted Steel Spring, from his excavation, stopping his labors to watch our movements; "you will find nothing there, I gives you varning. Come and hassist me, and we shall find all the gold!" "Cease your cries," said Smith, sternly; "do you wish to bring a band of bushrangers upon us in this lonely spot, where they can murder us without opposition?"