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Updated: September 16, 2024

That was a period when, as has been said, "faith was more vivid than good-faith." The will to believe its genuineness, however, persisted to our own day, and some have made a compromise between their sentiment and their critical faculty, by arguing that the passage, though partly corrupt, is founded on something Josephus wrote. Freimann, Wie verhielt sich das Judenthum zu Jesus?

Ah, friend Buyse, wie geht es? 'Ganz gut, said the big German, looming up before us through the darkness. 'But, sapperment, what a cawing and croaking, like a rookery at sunset! You English are a strange people yes, donnerwetter, a very strange people! There are no two of you who think alike upon any subject under Himmel! The Cavalier will have his gay coat and his loose word.

But it is no less true that, as respects a higher power and a future state, man, in the language of Goethe's scoffing fiend, "bleibt stets von gleichem Schlag, Und ist so wunderlich als wie am ersten Tag." The history of Catholicism strikingly illustrates these observations.

"O Neigung, sage, wie hast du so tief Im Herzen dich verstecket? Wer hat dich, die verborgen schlief, Gewecket?" "Don't suppose that I feel enthusiastic or sentimental about the 'claims of Labour," said Wharton, smiling to the lady beside him. "You may get that from other people, but not from me. I am not moral enough to be a fanatic. My position is simplicity itself.

Trientje heard them shout and yell and, a little later, she saw her little brother sitting high up on the slippery trunk of a beech. She put her hands to her mouth and screamed: "Lo wie!..." It echoed three or four times over the low shoots and against the tall trees, but Lowietje did not hear. A man now came striding down the path; he carried a gun on his shoulder.

"...Wie entzückend Und süss es ist, in einer schönen Seele, Verherrlicht uns zu fühlen, es zu wissen, Das uns're Fruede fremde Wangen röthet, Und uns're Angst in fremdem Busen zittert, Das uns're Leiden fremde Augen nässen." "How pale!" said Wilhelm the next morning to Otto. "Do you see, that is what people get by night-wandering?" "How so?" inquired Otto. Wilhelm made a jest of it.

Wie an dem Tag, der dich der Welt verliehen, Dïe Sonne stand zum Grusse der Planeten, Bist alsobald und fort und fort gediehen, Nach dem Gesetz, wonach du angetreten. So musst du sein, dir kannst du nicht entfliehen, So tagten schon Sybillen und Propheten; Und keine Zeit, und keine Macht zerstückelt Geprägte Form, die lebend sich entwickelt.

Culture taken by itself is livery business, and when combined with much beer and wine drinking, irregular eating and a disinclination for regular exercise, culture becomes a positive menace to health. Of this danger to the German, their own great man Bismarck spoke in the Abgeordnetenhaus in 1881: "Bei uns Deutschen wird mit wenigem so viel Zeit totgeschlagen wie mit Biertrinken.

Standing motionless, gazing at the pale oval face bending gravely towards her from the gloom, she felt for a moment the radiance of stars above her and heard the rustle of leaves. Then the guessing voices broke from the saal. "Ach! ach! Wie schon! Romeo! That is beautifoll. Romeo! Who is our Romeo?" and Fraulein's smiling, singing, affectionate voice, "Who is Romeo! The rascal!"

The versification of this was of a much higher Order, being fairly respectable. The air is old, and a familiar one to all college students, and belongs to one of the most common of German household songs: O, Tannenbaum! O, Tannenbaum, wie tru sind deine Blatter! Da gruenst nicht nur zur Sommerseit, Nein, auch in Winter, when es Schneit, etc. which Longfellow has finely translated,

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