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I am Ferguson everybody knows me. This is Lord Grey of Wark. Here stands Fletcher, and Wade and Anthony Buyse. Why not complete your accusation?" "You are deceived with your master, rather than deceivers," Crosby answered. "You are prepared to fight for the cause, therefore you stand apart. You know that what I say is true, my lord." And he turned to Monmouth again.

There is not one of these men whom he hath not tempted into this affair by some bait or other. With Grey it was a dukedom, with Wade the woolsack, with Buyse the plunder of Cheapside. Every one hath his own motive, but the clues to them all are in the hands of yonder crazy fanatic, who makes the puppets dance as he will.

'But we had no thought that the enemy's foot was so near! exclaimed Wade. 'I told ye what would come of it, and so did Oberst Buyse and the worthy Mayor of Taunton, Saxon answered. 'However, there is nought to be gained by mourning over a broken pipkin. We must e'en piece it together as best we may. 'Let us advance on Bristol, and put oor trust in the Highest, quoth Ferguson.

Sir Gervas was borne off his legs by the rush, but lay like a wounded wildcat, striking out furiously at everything which came within his reach. Buyse and Saxon, back to back, stood firm amidst the seething, rushing crowd, cutting down every man within sweep of their swords.

Fear took hold of him, and, hiding the blue riband and his George, he galloped away with Grey and Buyse, first towards the Bristol Channel, and then, turning, made towards Hampshire. He remembered that Gilbert Crosby had promised to find him a hiding-place, and if he could reach Lenfield he might be safe.

'Do you hasten to the quarters, and tell Barker to bring up the company with their matches burning. I may be of use here. 'Ha, here is Buyse! cried Saxon joyously, as the huge German ploughed his way through the crowd. 'And Lord Grey, too! We must save the Cathedral, my lord! They would sack and burn it.

'See that he hath what our means allow. So saying I spurred my horse, and soon joined the group who were gathered round the King. There were Grey, Wade, Buyse, Ferguson, Saxon, Hollis, and a score more, all looking very grave, and peering down the valley with their glasses.

Yet a little while ago I could make out through my glasses the long lines of horses picketed on the moor beyond the village. Behind, in Middlezoy, are two thousand militia, while in Chedzoy, where our attack would fall, there are five regiments of regular foot. 'If we could break those all would be well, cried Monmouth. 'What is your advice, Colonel Buyse?

'Teufel und hexerei! he cried, wiping away the blood which oozed from under his nails, 'I might as well put my fingers in a rat-trap. You are the first man that ever yet exchanged fair hand-grips with Anthony Buyse. 'We breed brawn in England as well as in Brandenburg, said Saxon, who was shaking with laughter over the German soldier's discomfiture.

'Why, I have seen that lad pick up a full-size sergeant of dragoons and throw him into a cart as though he had been a clod of earth. 'Strong he is, grumbled Buyse, still wringing his injured hand, 'strong as old Gotz mit de iron grip. But what good is strength alone in the handling of a weapon? It is not the force of a blow, but the way in which it is geschlagen, that makes the effect.