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At length seven boats put off from the largest of the strange vessels, and rowed to the shore. From these boats landed about eighty men, well armed and appointed. Among them were Monmouth, Grey, Fletcher, Ferguson, Wade, and Anthony Buyse, an officer who had been in the service of the Elector of Brandenburg.

The leaders of the insurrection got off much more lightly than their followers, for they found that the passion of greed was even stronger than the passion of cruelty. Grey, Buyse, Wade, and others bought themselves free at the price of all their possessions. Ferguson escaped.

With a mighty heave Buyse picked up the barrel with the half-drowned miner inside, and hurled it clattering down the broad marble steps which led from the body of the church. At the same time, with the aid of a dozen of our men who had followed us into the Cathedral, we drove back the fellow's comrades, and thrust them out beyond the rails which divided the choir from the nave.

'We had best draw, gentlemen, and defend the gap in the rails, if we may hold it good until help arrives. He flashed out his rapier as he spoke, and took his stand on the top of the steps, with Saxon and Sir Gervas upon one side of him, Buyse, Reuben, and myself upon the other.

'Hush! cried Saxon, as we all gave a cry of horror and execration; 'do not dishearten our brave lads! Cowardice is catching and will run through an army like the putrid fever. 'Der Feigherzige! cried Buyse, grinding his teeth. 'And the brave country folk! It is too much.