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He came rushing up with one pudgy hand stretched out, and a beaming smile on his rosy Teutonic countenance. "Ach, Comrade Gudge!" cried he. "Wie geht's mit you dis morning?" "Very well, thank you," said Peter, coldly, and tried to hurry on. But Comrade Schnitzelmann held onto his hand. "So! You been seeing dot Easter barade!" said he. "Vot you tink, hey?

If he knew, he would have a larger field for bargaining." Devil knows who is who now! If police officers enlist in the communists, what is next? Trotzky's going to a high mass? Dined with Buchanans and the Lazarevs. Ros. was wounded. We all enjoyed this little story: A German girl was asked: "Können sie Ibsen?" To which she replied: "Nein! Wie macht man das?"

"Mir war höchst bedeutend zu sehen, wie sich der erste Erzähler des Jahrhunderts einem so ungemeinen Geschäft unterzieht und uns die überwichtigen Begebenheiten, deren Zeuge zu seyn wir gezwungen wurden, in fertigem Zuge vorüberführt.

While he is not at all revolutionary, he has a certain individuality of ease, and lyric quality without storm or stress of passion. Thus his settings of seven "Wanderlieder" by Uhland have all the spirit of the road except ruggedness. His setting of "Du bist wie eine Blume" is extremely tender and sweet.

"I should be much obliged to you if you would give me your candid opinion of my playing. It's not easy to judge oneself although I must say, both at the time, and afterwards, I was not too well pleased with what I had done that is to say ..." "WIE? WAS?" cried Schwarz, and threw a hasty glance at his pupil, while he helped himself anew from the dish.

But Russia was soon to be changed; the ice of the Neva was softening under the sun of civilisation; the new ideas, "wie eine feine Violine," were audible among the big, empty drum-notes of Imperial diplomacy; and he looked to see a great revival, though with a somewhat indistinct and childish hope. We had a father and son who made a pair of Jacks-of-all-trades.

He is no longer son of mine and we are discussing him for the last time. Hear me, now. There will be no further mention of Donald in my presence and I forbid you, Nellie, you, Elizabeth and you, Jane, to have aught to do wie him, directly or indirectly." Mrs. McKaye sat down abruptly and commenced to weep and wail her woe aloud, while Jane sought vainly to comfort her.

"Wer mir wird den Konig in Preussen verachten, Den will ich wie diesen Ochsen schlacten." "Who dares me the King of Prussia insult, Him I will serve like this fat head of nolt." Signed "DAVID SCHULER, A BRANDENBURGER." And then,

Weiter bringt es kein Mensch, stell' er sich wie er auch will." In physiological language this means, that all the multifarious and complicated activities of man are comprehensible under three categories.

"Come away from the standin' stanes and the heroes' graves. That wasna the skirl o' a ghost, but a hail frae a sonsy lass but what gars her risk her bonny legs in yon daft-like wie beats me." "I think," says I, "yon'll be Finlay Stuart's Uist powny; there's none here has the silver mane and tail. . . ."