United States or Equatorial Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It is, at least, a matter of ethnological and historical interest to learn in what regions of thought and speculation our German contemporaries are at home, and wherein they find their mental happiness and delight. Die deutsche komische und humoristische Dichtung seit Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts bis auf unsere Zeit. Von IGNAZ HUB. Nürnberg: Ebner. 1857.

The state of geographical knowledge at the beginning of the period of explorations is well described in C. R. Beazley, Introduction to the volume of the Hakluyt Society's publications for 1899. F. Kunstmann, Die Kenntniss Indiens in XV. Jahrhunderts ; and G. H. Pertz, Der Aelteste Versuch zur Entdeckung des Seeweges nach Ostindien , describe two important phases of that subject.

[Footnote 6: So heartily did the Germans receive the Sentimental Journey that it was felt ere long to be almost a German book. The author ofUeber die schönen Geister und Dichter des 18ten Jahrhunderts vornehmlich unter den Deutschen,” by J.

Jahrhunderts', in the Sitzungsberichte der kais. Akad. der Wissenschaften in Wien, cxlix and cli, Vienna, 1904 and 1905. C. H. Haskins, 'The reception of Arabic science in England, English Historical Review, London, 1915, p. 56. The biological works of Aristotle were rendered into Latin direct from the Greek in the year 1260 probably by William of Moerbeke.

A similar commentary on contemporary taste is obtained from a somewhat similar collection of stories, “Der Geist der Romane im letzten Viertel des 18ten Jahrhunderts,” Breslau and Hirschberg, 1788, in which the author (S.

This combination of revolutionary lyrics Ça Ira and Carmagnole was chanted fervidly. Then came for the benefit of the German the stirring measures from the Scotch-German John Henry Mackay's Sturm: Das ist der Kampf, den allnächtlich Bevor das Dunkel zerrinnt, Einsam und gramvoll auskämpt Des Jahrhunderts verlorenes Kind.

Jahrhunderts, for example, he writes, "After throwing off the worn-out idea upon which it was founded ... i.e., after the destruction of the idea represented by New York, the United States of North America has the great task ... of setting out with youthful energy to put into force the new racial-state idea which a few awakened Americans have already foreseen."

In these two distinctive features of a future reaction against a Socialism that would turn everything into one vast army, we recognise those two demands of theoretical Anarchism which are capable of realisation, and capable of it because they are not dogmas, like absolute freedom, but only methods. Mysticismus, Pietismus, Anti-Semitismus, am Ende des XIXten Jahrhunderts, p. 5, foll. Wien, 1894.

By Caroline Frear. By D.S. Snedden. By Will S. Monroe. J. Brehse, Leipzig, 1888. See also my Social Aspects of Education; Pedagogical Seminary, March, 1902, vol. 9, pp. 81-91. Also Kropotkin: Mutual Aid a Factor of Evolution. Jahrhunderts. 6th Ed. Pedagogical Seminary, October, 1900, vol. 7, pp. 307-346.

What was done more or less in secret is now proclaimed on the housetops, and the result, as might be expected, is in many ways interesting and instructive.* * Die Jesuiten an den deutschen Furstenhofen des 16ten Jahrhunderts. Auf Grund ungedruckter Quellen. Von Bernhard Duhr, S. J., Freiburg im Breisgau, 1901.