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Updated: November 29, 2024

His personality enables him to get close to the men, and he was wonderfully successful at Exeter, coaching his old school. Tad Jones represents one of the highest types of college athletes. In 1915 when the college authorities decided Columbia might re-enter the football arena, after a lapse of ten years, it was a wonderful victory for the loyal Columbia football supporters.

One of these was of the Sikorsky type, a giant battle plane carrying a half dozen men. Shortly after one o'clock on the morning of March 21, 1915, two Zeppelins appeared above Paris. Four of the raiders started from the German lines originally, but two were forced to turn back. They were first seen above Compiègne, north of which the German lines came nearest to Paris. The news was flashed ahead.

One of the suburbs of Adrianople ceded in July 1915.

Thursday, February 4th, 1915, was one of the greatest days in the history of the regiment. The previous week, when Sir George Perley and Lord Islington visited us in our huts and messed with us on soldiers' fare, the Acting High Commissioner told me that it was probable that His Majesty the King and Lord Kitchener would be down the following week to review the Canadian Division and say good-bye.

For over a week the struggle raged; a half million men were brought up in groups and flung against the Russian front. Shell, shrapnel, bullets and asphyxiating bombs finally wore down the Russian resistance. Incapacitated by physical exhaustion and outnumbered by three to one, the Russian infantry gave way on June 13, 1915.

She hesitates for a second at the street door and then starts towards the corner.... She reaches the corner and passes around it.... I hear a scream ... the sound of running footsteps ... the beat of a horse's hoofs ... the rolling of wheels on the cobble stones.... November 11, 1915. Music and Cooking "Give me some music, music, moody food Of us that trade in love." Shakespeare's Cleopatra.

London, June 6, 1915. But to get rid of hyphenated degenerates perhaps it's worth while, and to free us from 'isms and soft folk. That's the domestic view of it. As for being kicked by a sauerkraut caste O Lord, give us backbone! Heartily yours, W.H.P. A certain orderliness of mind and conduct seems essential for safety in this short life.

Even this early in the season mid March, 1915 the fields were being ploughed, but the ploughing and harrowing was being done by women, old men and boys. Hardly one able-bodied man was to be seen, the contrast with England in this respect at that time being very marked. A crowd of schoolboys pleading for souvenirs were made to earn them and amuse us by running races while we had a tire replaced.

Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula by the forces of Britain and France began in December, 1915, the last soldiers of these two powers leaving Sedd-el-Bahr on January 7, 1916. It was expected that Italy would take a prominent part in the series of events which had taken place on these various fields.

Also, that the King of Greece is dying, and that, therefore, the Greek Army can't join us until he has come round or gone under. 18th June, 1915. Imbros. In fattest peace times, I never saw a keener, happier looking lot. I drew courage from the ranks. Surely these are the faces of men turned to victory! Some twenty unattached officers fresh from England were there: a likely looking lot.

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