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Not many minutes were consumed in breakfasting, and the raiders were under way by the time the sun was up. All that day the stealthy band crept on, avoiding the trails by which communication was kept up between the settlements. Early in the evening Le Loutre called a halt, and Pierre, exhausted, fell asleep the moment he had satisfied his hunger.

The man's eyes brightened and he replied: "Down there," pointing toward the southwest. "I've a message for him and I don't want to run into any of the rebel raiders." "Then you keep away from there," he said, pointing due west. "What's the trouble in that direction?" "Jim Hurley was here about an hour ago.

So we rose and met it. And we realized that in scores of hospitals all over the war zone, on the side of the allies, similar scenes were enacting. The Germans were literally tearing the nerves out of hundreds of nurses by their raiding campaign nurses whom the raiders did not visit, but who were threatened by every moonlight night!

After a week or two, when he lay dying, I received from his hand the flag and the verses pinned together, and addressed to "Miss Annie ," in some part of Arkansas; but as I hoped to retain, and finally to deliver safely, the articles so addressed, I did not tax my memory with it, and when afterwards, in Macon, all my belongings were taken by the raiders, I had nothing left to recall the name, and only remember one of the verses, which ran thus: "Your father fought under this flag, This bonny flag so true, And many a time, amidst the fray, The bullets whistled through So, Annie, keep the flag."

But there would obtrude the terrible possibility of a few raiders hiding along the trace, determined to strengthen their medicine with more white scalps. But never once did I count in favor of the girl Dale's boasted friendship with the Shawnees. Even my most visionary listing of assets could not include that.

Soldier, let me tell you something" the newspaper correspondent, to whom one man's dignity was as much as another's, kicked his horse forward "these raiders that bloody-handed Chadron sent in here have murdered children and women, do you know that?" "Who in the hell are you?" Chadron demanded, bristling with rage, whirling his horse to face him.

With the arrival of reinforcements, in the persons of McWilliams and his friend, it had been the turn of the raiders to turn over their weapons. "All right, Denver," nodded the foreman. The outlaw chief whistled for his men, and with their guests they rode into the silent, desert night. They bedded that night under the great vault-roof where twinkle a million stars.

It will be some time before the place is restored; for, my father's means being limited, he and his retainers would have to turn masons; but as the materials were there, he doubted not that, in time, they would make a good job of it." "Truly, it is a hard life on the border," the squire said, "and it is wonderful that any can be found willing to live within reach of the Scotch raiders.

This message dispatched, Captain Fuller and two of his men, Fleming Cox and Alonzo Martin, ran into the woods after the fleeing raiders. Jeff Cain, the engineer of the "General," had been left with the Rome locomotive. Mr. Antony Murphy remained in the chase until the "General" was recaptured, and returned to Ringgold with the two locomotives. All the raiders were caught and imprisoned.

Half the force was left as a guard by the ships, and next day the rest went forward up the valley at a slant from the river's course. For that way, ran the tale, lay a great Roman house, a palace of King Kristni, where much gold was to be had for the lifting. By midday they were among pleasant meadows, but the raiders had been there, for the houses were fired and the orchards hacked down.