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I t'ink the same, but I say to him: 'Your head not feel right him too sof'. He shake his head and go down to the field for his horse and ox, and hitch them up together, and go to work making a road. "It is about ten o'clock when the dam thing come. Piff! go a hot splash of air in my face, and then I know that it is all up with Gal Bargon.

He is baskin' in Purgathory this tide, but I wish he cud hear that, whin he stud lookin' down the room an' the bhoys shivered before the oi av him, I knew him for a brave man an' I liked him so. "Fwhat will I do?" sez O'Hara agin, an' we heard the voice av a woman low an' sof' in the veranda. 'Twas Slimmy's wife, come over at the shot, sittin' on wan av the benches an' scarce able to walk.

I crope out, all a-tremblin', en crope aroun' en open de do' easy en slow, en poke my head in behine de chile, sof' en still, en all uv a sudden I says POW! jis' as loud as I could yell. SHE NEVER BUDGE! Oh, Huck, I bust out a-cryin' en grab her up in my arms, en say, 'Oh, de po' little thing!

One of Kipling's ballads has delivered the aspect and sentiment of this bewitching sea correctly: "The Injian Ocean sets an' smiles So sof', so bright, so bloomin' blue; There aren't a wave for miles an' miles Excep' the jiggle from the screw." April 14. It turns out that the astronomical apprentice worked off a section of the Milky Way on me for the Magellan Clouds.

Purty soon Marse George say he gwinter speak his min' and he call de colonel a brute an' den de colonel riz up an' say Marse George was a beggar and a puttin' on airs when he didn't hab 'nough money to buy hisse'f a 'tater; an' den Marse George r'ared and pitched Oh I tell ye he ken be mighty sof' and persimmony when he's tame and he's mos' allers dat way but when his dander's up, and it suttinly riz to-day, he kin make de fur fly.

I been kinder lookin' arfter Miss Ann sence she wa' a gal an' I always said ter myself, 'Now when my mistis marries I'll go a courtin' but not befo'. I had kinder took up with Mandy, a moughty likely gal back there jes' after the wa' and me'n her had been a talkin' moughty sof' befo' Miss Ann lef' home that time when the ol' place burnt up.

De Kernel dat sof' in his heart, he dare n' press 'em; some of 'em is ole fo'ty-niners, like hisself, sah; and some is Spanish, sah, and dey is sof' too, and ain't no more gumption dan chilleren, and tink it's ole time come ag'in, and dey's in de ole places like afo' de Mexican wah! and dey don' bin payin' noffin'. But we gets along, sah, we gets along, not in de prima facie style, sah! mebbe not in de modden way dut de Kernel don't like; but we keeps ourse'f, sah, and has wine fo' our friends.

She had eyes like the brown av a buttherfly's wing whin the sun catches ut, an' a waist no thicker than my arm, an' a little sof' button av a mouth I would ha' gone through all Asia bristlin' wid bay'nits to get the kiss av.

I wa' 'lowin' ter sew up this here cushion so's it would las' 'til me'n Miss Ann gits time ter have this here ca'ige reumholzered. We're thinkin' a nice sof' pearl gray welwit will be purty. What do you think, Mr. Jeff?"

It was with joy in her heart that Aunt Dicey Fairfax went back to her little cottage after her dismissal, but her face clouded when soon after Robert Fairfax came in. "Hyeah you come as usual," she said with well-feigned anger. "Tryin' to sof' soap me aftah you been carryin' on. You ain't changed one mite fu' all yo' bein' a man. What you talk to me dat away in co't fu'?"