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Updated: August 9, 2024

Riles pronounced each syllable of "acceptable" so lightly and with such pleasure that you had to agree. The dark side of Riles was private. Don understood and left it alone. "Will you be seeing that attractive friend of yours?" Kai made her innocent face. "I usually do at least once. I'll try." "I love that oil of her as a young woman. Would you part with it?

It makes him peevish and often riles his temper. He defeats, but will never convince an opponent. This is bad. No one loves to break a lance with him, because he cuts such ungentlemanly gashes. He is strong, and he knows it. There is more of the Indian chief than of the Christian knight in his composition. But he has something of both, though nothing of the modern scholar, so called.

"When a man rubs me the wrong way it kinder riles me, and I'm pretty apt to resent it. Yeou'd made a bet with old Silence if Frank hadn't happened araound, wouldn't ye?" "Oi would," confessed Barney. "Oi'd been just chump enough to go him for any owld sum up to foive hundrid dollars. All the same, Ephie, thot was foolishness on my part."

"Miss Collie, I ain't shore how you're regardin' thet individool, but I'm tellin' you this, fer your own good. He's bad medicine. He has his old man's temper thet riles up at nuthin' an' never felt a halter. Wusser'n thet, he's spoiled an' he acts like a colt thet'd tasted loco. The idee of his ropin' Pronto right thar near the round-up! Any one would think he jest come West. Old Bill is no fool.

Stacy had promptly rescued the split tomato can and carefully holding it before him stepped gingerly over to a rock on which he sat down and began eating of the contents of the can. "I don't want to see. Stacy riles me so that I want to thrash him. I'll do it some day, too!" threatened Ned.

I jes' nachelly can't stand bein' spoke cross to. It riles me all up." "I don't believe there will be any trouble on that score," said Patty, laughing. "My father and I are the best-natured people in the world." "I believe yo', missy; an' dat's why I wants to come." "There will be another servant, Mancy," said Aunt Alice; "a young girl who will be a waitress.

"They hev tole me ez how it air agin the law, bein' ez I lives out'n the deestric'." The teacher elevated his grizzled eyebrows, and Ike said, "I kem hyar ter ax ye ef that be a true word. I 'lowed ez mebbe my dad tole me that word jes' ter hender me, an' keep me at the forge. It riles me powerful ter hev ter be an ignorunt all my days."

"Perry," said the Tinker as, turning from the highway, Diogenes ambled down a narrow lane, "you've forgot to ask about this here watch o' mine." "Well, how is it, Jerry?" "Never was such a watch! Look at it! Reg'lar as the sun! Which riles Jessamy. Y' see, his ain't to be depended on nowadays, owing to a boot " "A boot, Jerry?" laughed Diana. "At Maidstone Fair, Ann!

He can't bear to have anything happen to it and the very idea of any scoundrels trying to wreck vessels by means of a false beacon riles him up considerable." "I should think it would," agreed Mr. Wilton. "Well, if we can catch these fellows we'll put 'em where they can't do any more harm. And I hope we'll get back in time, so Mr. Stanton won't have to stay up all night."

They merely smiled and said, "Cer-tain-lee," and Boggley irritated me more and more by solemnly repeating: "It is not good for the Christian soul to hustle the Aryan brown, For the Christian riles and the heathen smiles And it weareth the Christian down.

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