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He shot a quick glance at Latterman, catching the sales manager before he could erase a look of triumph from his face. Things began to add up. Latterman, of course, was the undercover man for Wilton Joyner and Harvey Graves and the rest of the Conservative faction at Literates' Hall, just as he, himself, was Lancedale's agent.

Here's Dick Thatcher. How are you, Dick? It's a year of Sundays that I haven't seen you. This is er a friend of mine, Thatcher, you needn't mention that you've seen us." And Fitzhugh stumbled painfully over the recollection that we were incognito, and became silent in confusion. "We needn't be strangers to Mr. Thatcher," I laughed. "My name is Wilton. Of course you won't mention our business."

Glancing from my window as I frequently did while I was at work whom should I see, with a fly-net over his shoulder, but Wilton, one of the three fellows in against me for the scholarship! And not long after him who should appear arm-in-arm in cricket costume, but Johnson and Walker, the other two!

"Ay, it was shabby enough of him," replied the man; "but I don't fear anything; not I." "I'm afraid, my good fellows, it is too late," replied Wilton. "All the gang have got off near an hour ago.

They are snaking towards us, Wilton, doubtless not recognising us. Suppose we take Master Arden, and horsewhip him out of the park." "No, no," replied Wilton, "no such violent counsels for me, my dear Sherbrooke. The man is punished more than I wished already."

"Well, if you won't go for Shuffles, you must be content with your place in the steerage," added Wilton. "I won't go for him, any how," said Kendall, firmly. "You are making a mistake." "I don't think so. I'm bound to vote for the best fellow, and I'm sure Shuffles isn't the right one." "See here, Kendall; don't say a word to the others that I spoke to you of this little matter.

Wilton; there was no suggestion of the office or waiting-room where people came and went all day; yet you would not say that it was a private room which was lived in. There were no books or papers about; every chair was in the place it had been placed when the room was last swept; there was no fire and it was very cold. To the right of the window was a door covered with a plush curtain. Mrs.

MRS. WILTON. "The country consists of a succession of hills and valleys, the former for the most part well-wooded, and the latter fertile; with the climate mild upon the whole for so tropical a latitude. For the people and customs I must refer you to some other more intelligent member."

When he beheld Wilton Brown, the young gentleman's fine person, his high and lofty look, and a certain air of distinction and self-possession about him, though so young, appeared to strike and puzzle him; but the Earl instantly introduced his protege to the statesman, saying, "The young friend, my lord, of whom I spoke to you, Mr. Wilton Brown."

For some hours after the Messenger was sound asleep, and had forgotten the whole transaction in the arms of slumber, Wilton sat conversing with the Duke, and endeavouring to draw from him even the smallest particulars of all that had taken place during the last few days, with the hope of discovering some probable cause for the event.

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