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Updated: August 29, 2024

The corners of his mouth turned down instead of up, thereby giving his grave countenance an unusually arch expression. "Why, what do you mean, you cynical Scot!" demanded John Skyd. "Our shoulders are broad enough, are they not? nearly as broad as your own." "Oo' ay, yer shoothers are weel aneugh, but I wadna gie much for yer heeds or haunds."

What's more, if 'e don't die pretty soon, you 'll see a wedding!" "You mean ?" "She 'll be Mrs. Maurice Rodaine. She loves 'er father enough to do it after 'er will's broken. And I don't care 'oo it is; there ain't a woman in the world that's got the strength to keep on saying no to a sick father!" Again Robert Fairchild filled an oil cup, again he tinkered about the pumps. Then he straightened.

And do you Alberta people realise that right here in your own province the big Bassano Dam made possible by a tiny stream taken from the Bow River furnishes irrigation power for over a million acres? Perhaps that will do about the water." "Oo aye," said McTavish, with profound resignation in his voice. "Ye'll dae wi' that." "And snow," cried the speaker.

Poor Sam groaned and looked down at his dog, which sat trembling on the deck between his feet, gazing up in its master's face sadly at least so it is to be supposed; but the face of Tittles, as well as the expression thereof, was invisible owing to hair. "Is there an opening, Captain?" inquired Fred in a low, serious tone. "Oo ay, no fear o' that," replied the Captain.

The Sergeant swung round and bellowed he was really angry this time: "What's the matter wi' yer? 'Oo told you to interfere? Mind yer own bloody business! Come an' do it yerself an' show us what yer made of." We applauded this utterance, while the nervous individual slunk back in the ranks, thankful that attention had been distracted from him. The man addressed stepped out with swaggering alacrity.

A pointed white face with red cheeks looked up at him, and wide red lips said something, he could not tell what. The voice reminded him of the old beggar down by the bridge who had no roof to his mouth. These creatures had no roofs to their mouths, of course they had no "Aa 00 re o me me oo a oo ho el?" said the voice again.

She broke away from Betty and ran toward the boy peddler. "Why, it's Nellie Burton!" the lad exclaimed. "Whatever are you doing here?" "I'se losted!" announced the child, as though it was the greatest fun in the world. "I'se losted, and dey found me, but dey don't know where my two muvvers is. 'Oo take me home, Dimmie." "Of course I will, Nellie. That is, if I can walk." "Did oo hurt oo's foot?"

Awakened from refreshing sleep at the sound of his name, Spinkie emerged suddenly from the stern-manhole, right under the negro's nose, and with a sleepy "Oo, oo!" gazed up into his face. "Ho! Dare you is, you mis'rible hyperkrite!" exclaimed Moses, kissing the animal in the depth of his satisfaction. "He's here, massa, all right. Now, you go to bed agin, you small bundle ob hair."

He looked at her, and then suddenly said: 'Come in an' 'ave a drink. 'Na, I'm not thirsty; I don't want a drink, she answered. 'Come on, he said angrily. 'Na, Jim, you've had quite enough already. ''Oo are you talkin' ter? he said. 'Don't come if yer don't want ter; I'll go an' 'ave one by myself. 'Na, Jim, don't. She caught hold of his arm.

"'Tisn' a ''oo, 'tis an 'it': bein' an expression I got off an Extension Lecturer they had down to Bodmin, one time. I'd a great hankerin', in those days, to measure six foot two in my socks afore I finished growin', and I signed on for his lectures in that hope.

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