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En' sho' 'nuff, dey didn' had no trouble keep'n' Skundus wak f'm dat time fo'th, fer Cindy turned out ter hab a temper of her own, en' made Skundus walk a chalk-line. "Dis yer boy, Tom," said the old man, straightening out his leg carefully, preparatory to getting up, "is jes' like his gran'daddy. I b'lieve ef somebody didn' wake 'im up he'd sleep till jedgmen' day. Heah 'e comes now.

"My Pappy got his education from the boy of the white man he lived with because he wasn't allowed to go to school and the white boy was very smart and taught him just as he learned. My Pappy, fought in the Civil War too. On which side? Well, sho nuff on the site of the North, boy." Folklore: Ex-slaves Gellia County, District 3 JAMES CAMPBELL Age 86

Den dey take him straight away to de palace and crown him, an', oh! arter dat dey become very purlite to him. Him know dat well 'nuff, and so him not be angry just now. Ah! me did 'xpec, to hab bin kick and spitted on dis berry day!"

Whether you've got the sperit to do a thing or not yer allers do it, and in a sweet, natteral way, as if you couldn't help it. When my wife enters on a good work it makes me think of a funeral. I'm 'mazin' glad you didn't live in old times, 'cause the lions would have got you sure 'nuff.

'No, massa, dar'm places dar whar de ole debil cudn't fine him, nor de dogs nudder. 'I thought the bloodhounds would track a man anywhere. 'Not t'ru de water, massa; dey lose de scent in de swamp. 'But how can a negro live there, how get food? 'De darkies work dar and dey take 'em nuff. 'Then the other negroes often know where the runaways are; don't they sometimes betray them?

He's taken mine fur sartin an' I begin to think I'm a consarned old fool, that don't know 'nuff to go in when it rains! How I'm goin' to git the wimmin to give up them trinkets, 'thout 'lowin' I've lost my senses, is one too many fur me!" After their Christmas visit to Sandgate Albert had applied himself diligently to the care of Mr. Nason's legal needs.

"I's seen de ha'nt, Marse Rad; de sho nuff ha'nt all dressed in black an' risin' outen de spring-hole." "You fool!" Radnor cried. "Get on your feet and behave yourself." "It was de debbil," Mose chattered. "His face was black an' his eyes was fire." "You've been drinking, Mose," Radnor said sharply.

An' sez she, wi' mock 'nuff to make a man feel as mean as rank sow-belly, 'Father will never let me marry, and you know it. An' Jake stands quiet a minnit. Then I guess his voice jest rasped right up to me through that hay-hole. 'I'm goin' to make him, sez he, vicious-like. 'A tidy ranch, this, eh?

Miss Alice, aint she never told you bout de time she seed an elerphant drink a river dry?" "Yes," said Alice, "but she dreamed that." "No, Miss, she actually seed it wid her own eyes. They's mighty weak and dim now, but she could see out of 'em once, I tell ye. It's hot nuff here sometimes, but Aunt Peggy says it's winter to what 'tis in Guinea, whar she was raised till she was a big gall.

In half an hour afterwards the two large canoes came up, and Bryan and his little friend had to undergo a rapid fire of witticism from their surprised and highly-amused comrades. Even Moses was stirred up to say that "Bryan, him do pratty well; he most good 'nuff to make an Eskimo!" Having embarked the skin of the bear, the canoes once more resumed their usual order and continued on their way.