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I see by the grip he tuk that the only way 2 git him wuz 2 tear out the side of the car, and I thought I'd let them tussle it out for a minnit or 2. The others in the car who thought it grate fun to see a Lieutenant-Kurnol wrastlin' with a nigger, laffed and yelled: "Go it, nigger," "Go it, Kurnel," "Grab a root," "I'l bet on the nigger if the car is stout onuf," and sich.

"Bress de Lord!" she said, stroking his curly hair, "you's de bery picter ob yer father. 'Pears like 'twas him I see'd dis minnit 'fore me! Did ye drop down frum de sky, or what, chile?" "I came down on the 'White Gull," Noll answered. "Well, now!" said Hagar; "an' why didn't yer father come too?" "Papa?

'If that 'orse were down in Leicestersheer, added he, 'he'd fetch three 'under'd guineas. Sir Richard would 'ave him in a minnit that he would! added he, with a stamp of his foot as he saw the animal beginning to set up his back and wince at the approach of the lad. But to our story. The horse now stood staring on view: fire in his eye, and vigour in his every limb.

No, sir; she never believed that Dock wuz dead, but she allus talked like he might come in any minnit; and there wuz allus his old place set fur him at the table 'nd nuthin' wuz disturbed in his little room up-stairs. And so five years slipped by 'nd no Dock come back, 'nd there wuz no tidin's uv him. Uv course, the rest uv us knew; but his mother oh, no, she never would believe it.

Bultitude saw what a fearful trap he had fallen into and stood speechless. "Go along with you!" said the little stationer at last, with a not unkindly grin. "Lor bless you, I knew your face the minnit you come in. To go and tell me a brazen story like that! You're a young pickle, you are!" Mr. Bultitude began to shuffle feebly towards the door. "Pickle, eh?" he protested in great discomposure.

"Don't yer try on that yere bloomin' game agin, you Reeks, I tell yer, my joker, or else yer 'ad better git yer coffin ready afore yer comes aboard this ship. Lor'! W'y, if the `Jaunty' or `Jimmy the One' knowed it, yer'd be strung up at the yard-arm this very minnit!"

"Son, I'm double-crossin' the boss, right this minnit!" whispered Holley, hoarsely. "An' the same time I'm playin' Lucy's game. If Bostil finds out he'll kill me. I mustn't be ketched up here. But I won't lose track of you wherever you go." Holley slipped away stealthily in the dusk, leaving Slone with a throbbing heart. "Wherever you go!" he echoed. "Ah! I forgot! I can't stay here."

An' sez she, wi' mock 'nuff to make a man feel as mean as rank sow-belly, 'Father will never let me marry, and you know it. An' Jake stands quiet a minnit. Then I guess his voice jest rasped right up to me through that hay-hole. 'I'm goin' to make him, sez he, vicious-like. 'A tidy ranch, this, eh?

'Are ye, thin? says I. He goes away that night, an' the next mornin' I have a lether from him, sayin' he's shtartin' that day for Canaday. He hadn't the heart to tell me to me face. Fwaht do I do thin? I begs, borrers, an' stales, an' I reached that ship wan minnit before she sailed. There was no praste aboord, but we was married six weeks afther at Quebec.

I never see sech fightin'. Awful time. I don't see how I could 'a got separated from th' reg'ment. I got shot, too." His friend had stepped forward quickly. "What? Got shot? Why didn't yeh say so first? Poor ol' boy, we must hol' on a minnit; what am I doin'. I'll call Simpson." Another figure at that moment loomed in the gloom. They could see that it was the corporal.