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Updated: August 26, 2024

There's only one thing I've got to ask in return: Have you got a grudge agin the priest?" "I have." "Be you meditatin' revenge?" "A Spaniard never forgives an insult." "Oh, . . . have you got it in yer power to injure Padre Osuna in the sight o' men?" "I have, and worse for him." "Don't do it, young man," said Hill, solemnly. "Don't do it. It ain't worth shucks to ruin a man fur personal spite.

"Och, let him spake, an' be aisy," remarked Larry, with a look of extreme satisfaction on his countenance; "we're in the navelty an' excitement stage o' life just now, an faix we'll kape it up as long as we can. Hand me a cinder, Bill Jones, an' don't look as if ye wos meditatin' wot to say, for ye know that ye can't say nothin'."

"Now, ef you done teched de five-dollar notch an' can't git down, we'll git somebody ter loan'd yer a greenback bill ter fetch up, an' whils' de congergation is meditatin' on dey sins I'll gi'e you back fo' dollars an' ninety-five cents."

"Ditto," said Dan, as he took his friend's arm, and hastened to the abode of John Adams, the great referee in all important matters. They found him seated at his table, with the big Bible open before him. "Well, my lads," he said, with a kindly smile as they entered, "you find me meditatin' over a verse that seems to me full o' suggestive thoughts." "Yes, father, what is it?" asked Dan.

You know you have showd yourself a proper fool for to come, for to go, for to talk to a man that has seed so much of the world as I have, bout "refreshin' time," and "outpourin' of spirit," and "makin' profession" and what not; and you know you showd yourself an everlastin' rogue, a meditatin' of cheatin' that Frenchman all summer.

"Wal, Josh stayed, and as soon as he was able he took a-hold of farm-work, and things went along for a time all quiet. One evening Josh was sitting out at the corner of the house, smoking as usual, and meditatin' in the way he had, when Gid came along and sat down on the door-stone. "''Bout time to have a business understanding, ain't it, Josh? Gid asked. "'Yes, perhaps it is, said Joshua.

Lathrop, with a start that collapsed at once into a groan; "must I lay " "Gran'ma Mullins says," pursued Susan, "'t the reason she knows so much about it all is 't she had a cousin with a broken leg once. It wa'n't no cow 's kicked him, jus' he was give to meditatin', 'n' while meditatin' durin' house-cleanin' he stepped down the wrong side o' the step-ladder.

"Upon my word, Hennage" he said, as he set down his glass, "if your liquor could only be metamorphosed into prussic acid, I'd gladly shoulder your funeral expenses. You're a thorn in my side." "We understand each other, Carey. Any time you're meditatin' suicide drop around to San Pasqual an' I'll buy you a pistol." Carey laughed long and loud.

The other two pyramaids in this group wuz smaller than Cheops and stood not fur away. The Sphynx stands about a quarter of a mild off, lookin' off towards the east, facin' the risin' sun. I wonder if she expects the sunrise of civilization to dawn ag'in into her sight. 'Tennyrate she seems to be lookin' out for sunthin'. There she has sot, meditatin' all these years.

"No not Long Bill ain't. If he started in meditatin' on them, he'd starve to death before he'd got meditated much past sixteen an' he's fifty, if he's a day." "There are four of us and only three horses," exclaimed Endicott, as he tightened his cinch. "That's all right. The horses are fresh. I'm light built, an' we'll change off makin' 'em carry double. It ain't so far."

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