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She has taken the greatest pains about the dinner; and afterwards there is to be an evening party to hear you, just the right size, and just the right people." "Cela m'est égal," said Kitty, "par-faite-ment égal! I am not going." "What possible excuse can you invent?" "I shall have a cold, the most atrocious cold imaginable. I take to my bed just two hours before it is time to dress.

Hamerton's indignation; the more so as he never for one moment believed the discourteous and outrageous letter to be genuine. I transcribe his explanation of the incident as given by himself to his son-in-law: "Novembre 17, 1890. "MON CHER FILS, Il m'est arrive de pouvoir, je crois, etre utile au maintien des bonnes relations entre les marines anglaises et francaises.

Mais toujours occupé de sa premier idée, il y revint brasquement: "Convenez en Mesdames, leur dit il, maintenant que la Fortune m'est contraire, on dit que je suis un coquin, un scelerat, un brigand. Mais savez vous ce que c'est que tout cela? J'ai voula mettre la France au dessus de l'Angleterre, et j'ai echoué dans ce projet."

You said the other night they were grey," and she smiled bewitchingly. But, I wouldn't be coaxed into good humour. "Ce m'est egal," I answered coldly, "whatever they are." "You are very cross!" she said pettishly; "I will go and talk to Mr Mawley, until you get into a better mood, sir, and are more amiable."

But this is exceptional; as a rule, elaborate compliments take the place of personal confessions; and, while Voltaire is never tired of comparing Frederick to Apollo, Alcibiades, and the youthful Marcus Aurelius, of proclaiming the rebirth of 'les talents de Virgile et les vertus d'Auguste, or of declaring that 'Socrate ne m'est rien, c'est Frédéric que j'aime, the Crown Prince is on his side ready with an equal flow of protestations, which sometimes rise to singular heights. 'Ne croyez pas, he says, 'que je pousse mon scepticisime

When did she want it? She wanted it at once in half an hour. "I can hire you a car in half an hour, with liveried chauffeur," said the shopman, after telephoning. "But he cannot speak English." "Ça m'est égal," answered Audrey with grim satisfaction. "What kind of a car will it be?" "Mercédès, Madame." The price was eight hundred francs a week, inclusive.

26th. To Malvern with Hopie; 27th, Worcester; 28th, Tewkesbury; 29th, Hereford Cathedral; then Boss, Monmouth, and Chepstow. September 1st. Chepstow Castle, Tintern Abbey, then to Clifton across the Severn. 2nd, rain, so returned to Foxholes. From the Comte de Paris 18 septembre. Je m'empresse de vous remercier de votre lettre du 15, qui m'est parvenue hier.

It may be peu de chose, but, as yet, I know no more than that the House of Bourbon, with the noblesse francoise, their revenues and privileges, are in a manner annihilated by a coup de main, as it were, and after an existence of near a thousand years; and if you are now walking in the streets of Paris, ever so quietly, but suspected or marked as one who will not subscribe to this, you are immediately accroche a la Lanterne: tout cela m'est inconcevable.

Peremptoriness and decision in young people is 'contraire aux bienseances', and they should seldom seem to assert, and always use some softening mitigating expression; such as, 's'il m'est permis de le dire, je croirais plutot, si j'ose m'expliquer', which soften the manner, without giving up or even weakening the thing.

Vous etes du bien petit nombre de ceux avec qui il m'est possible de causer en ce moment, et vous me ferez du bien si vous venez dejeuner ici dimanche prochain, 25, a midi 1/2. Mille amities, From Lord Granville Walmer Castle, October 2nd. My dear Reeve, I was very sorry to miss an opportunity of seeing you twice last week. Our hours are late, while you adopt the judicious maxim of Charles Lamb.