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He had been ingenuous enough to believe that he would be happy in the new house that the new house somehow meant the rebirth of himself and his family. Strange delusion! The bath-splashings and the other things gave him no pleasure, because he was saying to himself all the time, "There's going to be a row this morning. There's going to be a regular shindy this morning!"

Similarly he had obtruded and been like to spoil the pleasure of her visit; but he had been made to provide compensations and he obtruded now only in rebirth of a passage with him that, rehearsed again, much pleased her even while, annoyed, she cut him down. Taking her leave, she had been seen from the threshold by Mr. Sturgiss and by Laetitia's Harry.

In such conditions, upheaval in England would be possible, and, for the dispassionate observer, there is a strange irony in the fact that the Communists desire that upheaval, and, at the same time, desire a rebirth of the Russian market which would tend to make that upheaval unlikely, while those who most fear upheaval are precisely those who urge us, by making recovery in Russia impossible, to improve the chances of collapse at home.

We utter laments none hears! The desert shuts us in on all sides. The earth is of copper, the heavens are of brass. "Not an ordinary flock are we, but a flock of iron. We survive the slaughter. But will our strength endure forever? "A flock dispersed, undisciplined, without a bond we are the flock of the Lord God!" Not that the idea of a national rebirth displeased the poet. Far from it.

The era of forced acceptance of philosophical doctrines and dogmas was past, and that of freedom, of spiritual rebirth, of vicarious suffering, of willing sacrifice and service for a Cause was upon them. That cause was Democracy.

It is probable too that the Buddha would have said, and a modern Buddhist would certainly say, that the fact of rebirth can easily be proved by testimony and experience, because those who will make the effort can recall their previous births.

These people are inclined toward Rebirth for the reason that it "gives the soul Another Chance to Redeem Itself" other chances to perfect itself to enter the Heavenly Realms.

When one beholds the Supreme Soul and losing all consciousness of individuality becomes identified with the Supreme, one then becomes omniscient, and possessed of such omniscience one becomes freed from the obligation of rebirth.

It was so wanting in dignity and loftiness of conception, they said, that though some ease might be brought to the spirits suffering in the Land of Shadows from the service which had been performed, it would utterly fail in the most important particular of all namely, their deliverance from Hades, and their rebirth into the land of the living.

So also, men of great learning have experienced this rebirth; but it would seem that much cultivation of the intellectual qualities, unless accompanied by an humble and reverent spirit, frequently acts as a barrier to the realization of supra-consciousness. In "Texts of Taoism," Kwang-Tse, one of the Illuminati, writes: "He whose mind is thus grandly fixed, emits a heavenly light.