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Updated: August 11, 2024

Then she turned scarlet as she read the four lines written there. "Dehr Sir "THis mOney iis to pey to P ay for you r wheel anD yoour docors bill WE are sorrry y u fel loff a and We hooppe you will be butTER sooon A SINCERE FRind" "I owe you some money," he added, when she had finished reading it. "But what moved you to send it?" "My conscience.

I thought as how as the young woman might want to shed some of them air wet feathers of her'n, and so I jist venter'd to go and git this yer bag 'thout axin' no leave nor license, while you was a-bringin' on her to. Looks pooty peart, by hokey! Now, mister, we ha'n't got no spar rooms here. But you and me'll jes' take to the loff thar fer a while, seein' our room is better nor our comp'ny.

Ja, I have said I had so important an affair. Ach, do not veep! I did not know you wanted so moch to dine mit ze old Duke. I sopposed you vould like a quiet evening at home. But anyhow I have now telegraphed and my leetle dinner mit my friend Ach, it is so important zat I most rosh and get dressed. Cheer up, my loff! Good-by!" He paused in answer to a tearful question. "His name?

At last the silence grew so intolerable that he screwed up his courage and with desperate resolution exclaimed, “Bonker!” Mr Bunker opened his eyes and sat up. “Bonker, I am in loff!” Mr Bunker smiled and stretched himself out again. “I have also been in love,” he replied. “You are not now?” “Alas! no.” “Vy alas?” “Because follies without illusions get so infernally dull, Baron.”

"Can't we go with you, Mammy? We'll be good, an' not laugh at 'em shoutin'." "I dunno wat yer gwine loff at 'em shoutin' fur; efn yer don't min' de loff gwine ter be turnt some er deze days, an' dem wat yer loffs at hyear, dem's de ones wat's gwine ter do de loffin' wen we gits up yon'er!

Don't think I mean to loff," Says I, like a toff, "Where d'you mean to sleep tonight? God made this grass for go'ff." His masterpiece, The Barrel-Organ, has something of Kipling's rollicking music, with less noise and more refinement. Out of the mechanical grinding of the hand organ, with the accompaniment of city omnibuses, we get the very breath of spring in almost intolerable sweetness.

Wherefore about a week after, Capt. Kidd, Nicholas Churchill, James How, Gabriel Loff, Hugh Parrot, Abel Owen, and Darby Mullins, were executed at Execution Dock, and afterwards hung up in chains, at some distance from each other, down the river, where their bodies hung exposed for many years.

"Marta," said Rolf, "you told me to come here if I got hurt. Well, I've come, and I've brought a boat-load of stuff in case I cannot do my share in the fields." "Press you, my poy you didn't oughter brung dot stuff; you know we loff you here, and effery time it is you coom I get gladsomer, and dot Annette she just cried ven you vent to de war."

"Her mozzer vill visit us next veek. I loff and respect Lady Grillyer; but I should not like to have to ask her for forgiveness." "Yes, she has rather an uncompromising nose, so far as I remember." "It is a kind nose to her friends, Bonker," the Baron explained, "but severe towards " "Myself, for instance," laughed Essington. "Well, what do you suggest?" "First, zat you dine mit me to-night.

Gallosh, divine Mees Gallosh, and all ze ladies and gentlemans, how sorry I vas I could not make my speech before, I cannot eggspress. I had a headache, and vas not vell vithin. Ach, soch zings vill happen in a new climate. Bot now I am inspired to tell you I loff you all! I zank you eggstremely! How can I return zis hospitality? I vill tell you! You must all go to Bavaria and stay mit "

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