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Updated: November 15, 2024

"Yes, sir," said I, glad to find my tastes had been studied; "I do desire a school." "I will assist with pleasure, Mees. Be seated; in a few moments I will accompany you." I sat down, wondering whither the gay, loquacious gentleman would lead me. He soon rejoined me, hat in hand. "Will you accept my escort, Mees; the place is near by," said he, reading the note. "No. 14 B , street.

"I do not consider masters of merchantmen gentlemen," replied Dolly with a slight sniff. "My father is an officer in the King's service, and I have been taught to " "Ha, ha! Mees Dorotee," laughed Portveldt good-humouredly, "dot is nod so. Your baba is but a gommissary who puys de goots vich I bring me from Batavia to sell." "How dare you talk like that, sir?

Fleming's Husband' is actually produced. Just now" with a rather wistful smile "I don't seem to have a husband to call my own. Miss de Gervais claims so much of his time." Baroni's brow grew stormy. "Mees de Gervais? Of course! It is inevitable!" he muttered. "I knew it must be like that." Diana regarded him curiously. "But why?

The gentlemen who constantly frequented the house all bowed to her, but M. Lacordaire rose from his seat and offered her his hand. "And how is Mees Meemy this morning?" said he; for 'twas thus he always pronounced her name.

I can't tell you how kindly he greeted me, and with what charming little elucidatory comments he presented me to his wife and the other guests. He actually seemed proud of me. Think how I must have glowed. "This is Mees Chrees," he said, taking my hand and leading me into the middle of the room.

One facetious French sentry insisted on talking English and flashing his lantern into the back of the ambulance, saying, "But I will see the face of each Mees for fear of an espion." He did so, murmuring "jolie pas mal chic," etc.! He finally left us, saying: "I am an officer. Well, ladies, good-bye all!"

She lifted him up with tender words of comfort, applied a dampened towel to his sticky face and hands, then brought him in her arms to the doorstep again, where she seated herself near the madame, who had resumed her chair just within. The absence of any adults in the house suddenly struck the latter, and she asked, "Where is then the mother, Mees Sara?" "In heaven," said the girl softly.

"My Fraulein, when you came in I thought, 'Behold yet one more well-washed, nice-looking, foolish, rich, nothing-at-all English Mees, who is going to waste my time and her money with lessons. I now perceive that I have to do with an artist. My Fraulein ich gratuliere." And he made me the funniest little solemn bow. I thought I'd die of pride.

The two young men looked at one another. "Did she tell you her name?" Stephen asked. "But yes; she was Mees Ray, and named for the dead Queen Victoria of England, I suppose, though American. And she told me other things. Her sister, she said, married a Captain Ben Halim of the Spahis, and came with him to Algiers, nearly ten years ago. Now she is looking for the sister."

He followed to hospital and gave her a most frightful scolding, adding that of course the "Mees" could not do otherwise than knock her down if she so foolishly sprang in front of cars without warning; and she might think herself lucky that the "Mees" would not run her in for being in the way!

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