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By Jove!” exclaimed Mr Bunker, “I’d forgotten all about her. I ought to have told you that I once met her before, when she showed sympathypractical sympathy, I may addfor an unfortunate gentleman in Clankwood. That’s all.” “You do not loff her?” persisted the Baron. “I, my dear chap? No. You are most welcome to herand the countess.” “Does she not loff you?” “On my honour, no.

You you're English?" "Yes." "I thought so. I could tell it by the way you mispronounce the words that's got a's in them, you know; such as saying loff when you mean laff but you'll get over that. He's a right down good fellow, and a little sociable with the photographer's boy and the caulker and the blacksmith that work in the navy yard, but not so much with the others.

Kidd, Nicholas Churchill, James How, Robert Lumly, William Jenkins, Gabriel Loff, Hugh Parrot, Richard Barlicorn, Abel Owens and Darby Mullins, were arraigned for piracy and robbery on the high seas, and all found guilty except three; these were Robert Lumly, William Jenkins and Richard Barlicorn, who proving themselves to be apprentices to some of the officers of the ship, and producing their indentures in court, were acquitted.

And now, Baron,” he said, “it only remains to offer you such thanks and apologies as a lunatic may, and then clear out before the cock crows. These are my brushes, I think.” There was still something on the Baron’s mind: he lay for a moment watching Mr Bunker collect a few odds and ends and put them rapidly into a small bag, and then blurted out suddenly, “Ze Lady Aliciado you loff her?”

"'My loff she's like a red, red rose Zat's newly sprong in June! My loff she's like a melody Zat's sveetly blayed in tune! Ach, how does he end?" Before his charmer had time to prompt him, the Count raised his own tolerably musical voice and replied "'And fare thee weel, my second string! And fare thee weel awhile! I won t come back again, my love, For tis ower mony mile!

And yet, Bonker, I zink my loff is anozzer kindze real!” “They are all that, Baron; but have it your own way. Anything I can do to make you worse shall be done.” “Zanks, my best of friends,” said the Baron, warmly, seizing his hand; “I knew you would stand by me!”