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Updated: August 10, 2024

An' furthermo' I knows dis Doct' Duvall likewise also, even ef I ain't never seen him but oncet or twicet sence fust he come yere to dis town all dress' up lak a persidin' elder. I don't lak his looks an' I don't lak his ways, jedgin' by whut I hears of 'em frum dis one an' dat one, an' most in special I don't lak his color.

'I ain't absolootly shore, says Dave Tutt, 'bein' some shy of practice with infants myse'f, but jedgin' by his lookin' smooth an' silky, I offers fifty dollars even he ain't weaned none yet. "'I won't bet none on his bein' weaned complete; says Jack, 'but I'll hang up fifty he drinks outen a bottle as easy as Old Monte!

Jedgin' from the evidence that showed itself, I must have awoke the little gal from peaceful slumber, by them awful words of mine." He paused and looked inquiringly at the chairman, who calmly returned his gaze, without speaking. It was Parson Brush who interposed: "I should like to ask, Mr. Dawson, whether the supposition of Mr. Ruggles has any foundation in fact."

He's bound, in the very irreg'larities of his nacher, an' the deadly idleness of a winter with nothin' to do but think, to go to transactin' faro-bank. An', as a high-steppin' patriot once says, "jedgin' of the footure by the past," our sport's goin' to be skinned alive chewed up compared to him a Digger Injun will loom up in the matter of finance like a Steve Girard. An' he knows it.

Likewise, they got chatty, and commenced to unload remarks. "'Land sakes! says one. 'How's punkins? "'How's crops down your way? says another. "Now there wa'n't nothin' real bright and funny about these questions more fresh than new, they struck me but you'd think they was gems from the comic almanac, jedgin' by the haw-haws.

"Abaht that there little bet, 'Enery," observed Seaman Jones, "I fink we'll alter of it. I don't wish to give no moral support to this 'ere Griller. T'other bloke's only jus' fresh from the Novice Class, I reckon, jedgin' by 'is innercent young faice, an' e's aputtin' up the werry best fight as ever I see. We'll chainge it like this 'ere.

Todd's chubby hand and told Thomas to drive on. "I dunno," remarked old Hucks, when they were out of earshot, "whether that feller's jest a common tramp or a workman goin' over to the paper mill at Royal. Jedgin' from the fact as he had money I guess he's a workman." "Wrong, Thomas, quite wrong," said Beth, seated just behind him. "Did you notice his hands?" "No, Miss Beth."

"'Nothin', says Slim Jim, lookin' a bit woozy, 'nothin' wrong. A friend of mine is likely to show up yere; that's all. "'Which he has the air of a fugitive from jestice when he says it, observes Tutt, when he speaks of it after all's over; 'though jedgin' by the party who's on his trail that time I don't reckon he's done nothin' neither.

I supposed all Indians were just savage Indians that hunted till their bellies were full, and slept till they were empty again." "H'm," rejoined Rolf, with a gentle laugh. "I see you also have been doing some 'hair-trigger, steel-trap, cocksure jedgin'." "I wonder if he'd like to hear some of my songs?" "It's worth trying; anyway, I would," said Rolf.

Now the wind is dyin' an' the clouds are passin' away, but it's goin' to be dark anyhow. Jedgin' from the looks uv things the night is right here." The wind undoubtedly was sinking fast. The great storm was blowing itself away as rapidly as it had blown up.

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