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Updated: January 7, 2025

I never paid you for your services as my attorney. I'm going away. You see my married daughter lost her husband the other day and she wants me to come up and live with her on the farm to keep her from being lonely. Of course it won't be much like life in Wall Street but I owe her some duty and I'm getting on I am, Mr. Tutt, I really am!" He smiled.

It was immaterial to him what the case was about whether it dealt with the "next eventual estate" or the damages for a dog bite so long as he was paid and Tutt prepared it. Hence Tutt & Tutt prospered. And as the law, like any other profession requires jacks-of-all-trades, the firm acquired a certain peculiar professional standing of its own, and enjoyed the good will of the bar as a whole.

"Look here, Tutt, of course I hope you get your man off and all that, but if I personally threw the case out I'd have all the vets in the city on my neck. You see the motors have pretty nearly put 'em all out of business. There aren't enough sick horses to go round, so they've been conducting a sort of crusade. Tough luck but the law is the law. And I have to enforce it ostensibly, anyway."

The sun was just sinking over the Jersey shore beyond the Statue of Liberty and the surface of the harbor undulated like iridescent watered silk. The clouds were torn into golden-purple rents, and the air was so clear that one could look down the Narrows far out to the open sea. Standing there by the window Mrs. Allison looked as innocently beautiful as the day Tutt had first beheld her.

You've got us down and we've got to pay; but we'll pay only ten thousand dollars that's final." "I ain't any more of a swindler than you be!" said Doc with plaintive indignation. "What do you wish to do, Mr. Barrows?" asked Mr. Tutt, turning to him deferentially. "I leave it entirely to you, Mr. Tutt. It's your stock; I gave it all to you months ago." "Then," answered Mr.

"'But you'll have to cirkle up to the alcalde, Tutt, says Franklin. 'I ain't shore none you ain't been breakin' some law. "Dave grumbles, an' allows Tucson is gettin' a heap too staid for him. "'It's gettin' so, says Dave, 'a free American citizen don't obtain no encouragements.

And so Mr. Hepplewhite became even more agitated, until he dreamed of this Tutt as an enormous bird like the fabled roc, with a malignant face and a huge hooked beak that some day would nip him in the abdomen and fly, croaking, away with him. Mrs.

They looked at the slumbering Uncle Billy and decided to see Mrs. Tutt themselves about a good, hot dinner for six. "Law me!" exclaimed Aunt Margaret when they appeared at the kitchen door. "I swan I thought you folks 'u'd never come to yore senses. Here I've had a big pot o' stewed chicken ready on the stove fer two mortal hours.

"And now," sez Miss Tutt, plungin' her hand in the bag, and drawin' out a sheet of paper, "to convince you that Ardelia has always had this divine gift of poesy that it is not, all the effect of culture and high education let me read to you a poem she wrote when she wuz only a mere child," and Miss Tutt read: "LINES ON A CAT

Which if you've brought snowshoes with you now, or been figgerin' on a Arizona sleighride, you're settin' in hard luck." "Jest as Black Jack gets that far in them statements, this yere tenderfoot shows in the door. "'Be you a resident of Wolfville? asks this shorthorn of Dave Tutt. "'I'm one of the seven orig'nal wolves, says Tutt.

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