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Course, it's a little odd to see a young gent in torn cutaway coat and tousled hair scramblin' around under taxi-cabs and dodgin' cars to pick up cigar-butts and chewin' gum papers. So quite a crowd collects. Some of 'em cheers and some haw-haws. But the overseas vets. don't allow Hartley to let up for a second. "Hey! Don't miss that cigarette stub!" one would call out to him.

"I 'ain't got a Jane, of course, so I decides to take a little look around all by myself. Well, I goes down the Chomps-Eleezy feelin' pretty good and sorta peppy and lookin' for trouble. I see all them army heroes the vets and the dentists and the S O S each with a skirt, and I passes Matthews, here, with his skirt clingin' to him like a cootie." "Cut it out, you big stiff," interposed Matthews.

Added to this, it appears that when the disease first made its appearance in the country, certain vets, made themselves so ridiculous in the eyes of the farmers who invited them to inspect sick cattle, that distrust immediately took the place of suspicion, and confidence was never established.

He never told anyone about it made the excuse that he just preferred the same type of black lab when the old one got taken to live at his parents' farm. It was getting hard to keep up the pretense, especially after the local vets started to compare notes.

The parrot, Polynesia, was sitting in the window looking out at the rain and singing a sailor-song to herself. She stopped singing and started to listen. "You see, Doctor," the Cat's-meat-Man went on, "you know all about animals much more than what these here vets do. That book you wrote about cats, why, it's wonderful! I can't read or write myself or maybe I'D write some books.

One night 18 loads of ammunition, three horses to a load, were on their way to the guns and ten of the horses dropped. The vets then took it for granted there must have been poison in the feed, and an examination disclosed that little steel oats were in the grain. The oats had come from the United States and they had been deposited in the grain there.

"Solitude is always best for Dad when he's income-taxing," said Norah. "It has the most horrible effect on his usual serenity. My dear old Hermit used to help him, of course; but now well, no wonder he's starting early! How's Derrimut, Jimmy?" "Going on splendidly; Dad and I are quite proud of ourselves as vets.," said her brother.

On the road leading "back to God's country" and wile and babies. The nearer the train drew toward La Crosse, the soberer the little group of "vets" became. On the long way from New Orleans they had beguiled tedium with jokes and friendly chaff; or with planning with elaborate detail what they were going to do now, after the war.

"Oh, all of that," says another. "He he's out of the service now, is he?" "Accordin' to the War Department he is," says I, "but if a little plan of his goes through he'll be back in the game soon." And I sketches out hasty Hartley's idea of keepin' the returned vets on tap.

Nicholas B. breathed the air of the "Border," his native air. Unkind fate was lying in wait for him amongst the scenes of his youth. At the first news of the rising in Warsaw all the remount establishment, officers, vets., and the very troopers, were put promptly under arrest and hurried off in a body beyond the Dnieper to the nearest town in Russia proper.