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So Pringle wriggled out with his canteen, selected a horse, and rode quietly through the open gate. "Going already?" called Robbins as he passed. Secure under cover of darkness, Pringle answered in the voice of one who, riding, eats: "Yes, indeedy; I ain't no hawg. Wasn't much hungry nohow!" At the foot of Little Thumb Butte a lengthening semicircle of fire flared through the night.

"There now, my lady," he said triumphantly when they were on the platform. "I suppose you thought you were comin' to Rubeville. That don't look so hay-seedy? Eh?" He pointed to a dusty automobile whose driver, a boy of eighteen or twenty, with a torn hat, eyed her with dull curiosity. "I suppose you expected a one-hoss shay. No, indeedy. You've come to all the comforts of home, little girl."

"And you hope to be struck dead if you tell a word to anybody?" "Yes, indeedy," said the boy, crossing his heart earnestly. Shorty folded up the piece of dress goods tenderly, placed it securely in the breast-pocket of his blouse, and trudged over to the station, stopping on the summit of the hill to take a last look at the house.

"W'y, he done gib her powdered charcoal! Dat finish Pechunia. She nebber tried to buy nottin' mo' for her complexion naw, indeedy!" The girls of the old Corner House learned that Neale was up early on Monday morning, having remained in hiding the remainder of Sunday. He sought out a neighbor who had a pair of sheep-shears, and Mr. Murphy cropped the boy's hair close to his scalp.

He saw no one, until, turning a corner, a little later, he met Eradicate Sampson. "You haven't seen any strangers around here just now, have you, Rad?" asked Tom anxiously. "No, indeedy, I hasn't, Massa Tom. What fo' kind ob a stranger was him?" "That's just what I don't know. Rad. But some one sneaked into the library lust now and took some of my plans while my father dozed off.

Good landy, but I suttinly am in a awful state! Would yo' mind tellin' me if dat ar' mule am still alive?" "Of course he is," answered Tom. "He isn't hurt a bit. But why can't you turn around and look for yourself?" "No, sah! No, indeedy, sah!" replied the colored man. "Yo' doan't catch dis yeah nigger lookin' around!" "Why not?" "Why not? 'Cause I'll tell yo' why not.

No indeedy, Mistah Swift," and the whitewasher, who had descended from his wagon, edged away, as if the airship might suddenly put out a pair of hands and grab him. "No indeedy I doant! I come t' do a little whitewashin' an' when I do dat I'se gwine on mah way. But dat's a pow'ful fine ship; it suah am!" "Better come and try a flight, Rad," added Mr. Damon. "I'll look after you."

"I picked out all the things myself," King explained, "because it's nicer that way than the ready furnished ones. Do you like it, Kit?" "Yes, indeedy! And I shall write my first letter to you, because you gave it to me." "Oh, Kitty-Cat Kit, a letter she writ, And sent it away, to her brother one day,"

"Don't you wish you were going, Rad?" the young inventor asked, for the colored man had decided to stay at home. "No indeedy, Massa Tom," was the answer. "Dat's a mighty cold country in Shebeara, an' I laik warm wedder." "Well, take care of yourself and Boomerang," answered Tom with a laugh. Then he pulled the lever that sent a supply of gas into the big bag, and the ship began to rise.

"No indeedy, I don't!" cried Eradicate. "Yo'-all will hab t' scuse me, Massa Tom. I think I'll be goin' now." "What's your hurry?" asked Ned, as he saw the colored man hastily preparing to leave the improvised gallery. "I spects I'd better fro' down some mo' straw fo' a bed fo' my mule Boomerang!" exclaimed Eradicate, as he hastily slid out of the door, and shut it after him.