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Updated: August 25, 2024

"Do you think so?" said Beth, amply rewarded for all her trouble. "Yes. And you can write a letter! My! What a time it must 'a' took you! But, I say, it's all rot about stops, you know. Stops is things in books. You'd never learn stops." "How do you know?" Beth demanded, bridling. "Men write books," said Sammy, proud of his sex, "not women, let alone gels!"

But Willy rattled on, heedless. "He knew more pretty gels, y'know... I say, old chap, d'you know as many now?" Duncan shook his head. "The list has shrunk. I'm a changed man, Willy." "Ow, I say, you're chawfin'," Willy argued incredulously. "I don't believe that, y'know hardly. I say, you remember the night you showed me how to play faro bank?" "I'll never forget it," Duncan told him gravely.

Well, I'm gettin' forgetful. Why, what gel do you think? They aint growin' on rose bushes or old willows round here, so far as I've seen. Now, how many gels have you observed in your pilgrimages round that town?" "Oh, blank you for an idiot!" said The Kid wrathfully. "Do you mean that the Miss Mowbray has gone off with the rest?"

"I shall take the liberty of asking you to step up during the week, to see how things appears to you yourself. And as for servants, there's no gels old enough at the school for servants, so I'll be goin' to Riversford with the carrier's cart to-morrow to see what I can do. Ah, It's an awsome mission I'm goin' on; there ain't no gels to be got of the old kind, as far as I can make out.

An' time comin' to wed, the boys 'ull take strong dairy wives, an' the gels 'ull pick men as can thraw through men's wurrk, or they'ze nay gels nor boys o' mine. Tarlk o' Great Britain! Heart alive! Wheer would th' owd country be if 'twere left to pulin' booky clerks what thinks they're gemmen, an' what weds niminy-piminy shop gels, an' breeds nowt but ricketty babes fit for workus' burial!

I'm downright sorry for 'er, for she ain't got many friends in this village." "Why?" Robin asked, half mechanically. "Why? Well, she's a bit too dainty like in 'er ways for one thing then there's gels who are arter YOU, Mister Clifford! ay, ay, ye know they are! sharp 'ussies, all of 'em! an' they can't abide 'ER, for they thinks you're a-goin' to marry 'er!

"I myself, am an Episcopalian, and I expect those gels, who belong to the Church of England, to attend it, with me." The unpacking at an end, Mrs. Gurley rose, smoothed down her apron, and was just on the point of turning away, when on the bed opposite Laura's she espied an under-garment, lying wantonly across the counterpane.

I shook my head. The woman looked hard at me, and then at the child. "Look here are you a good gel?" she said. Hardly knowing what she meant I answered that I hoped so "'Ope? Don't you know that neither?" Then I caught her meaning, and answered faintly: "Yes." She looked searchingly into my eyes and said: "I b'lieve you. Some gels is. S'elp me Gawd I don't know how they done it, though."

"Kitty's a good lass," she said, "though a bit mettlesome and wild; but I'm not saying anything again her. The Lord forbid that I should run down my own flesh and blood! An' she's better than most gels of her age. I wouldn't grudge her a bit of fun while she's got it in her, Heaven knows it'll be soon gone out of her when she marries, which nat'rally she will do, sooner or later.

"A nice lad, but he won't suit me for Marjorie's husband. Hugh, the gel's in the garden, she is sitting by the lily-pond and believes her heart is broken, but it isn't! Go and prove it isn't; go now!" He met her eyes and flushed red. "I'll go and have a talk to Marjorie," he said. "You haven't been too rough with her, have you?" "Rough! I know how to deal with gels.

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