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He told me he was a staff officer; and then talking in a voice such, I suppose, as the damned alone use, a croaking of rage and pain, he said he had a favour to beg of me. A supreme favour. Did I understand him, he asked in a sort of fiendish whisper. "'Of course I told him that I did. I said: oui, je vous comprends. "'Then, said he, 'do it. Now! At once in the pity of your heart.

"He was late," she said, picking out her few English words from memory. "Yuss," grinned Mo. "He guard house?" "Bless you, miss, you talk English as well as I do," cried the admiring Mo. "Yuss. When his turn comes, up and down in the street, by the gate." He saw her puzzled look. "Roo. Port," said he. "Ah! oui, je comprends," smiled Jeanne. "Merci, monsieur, et bon soir."

"Je ne comprends pas le francais," said Captain Mulcaster, at Elizabeth Castle, as he put the letter into his pocket unread. "The English Governor will be hanged, and the French will burn the town," responded the envoy. "Let them begin to hang and burn and be damned, for I'll not surrender the castle or the British flag so long as I've a man to defend it, to please anybody!" answered Mulcaster.

On y dejeune tres bien et pas cher; tu comprends que c'est pour les gens de lettres qui travaillent a la bibliotheque. Je rentre ici a six heures, et le soir je me promene un peu au jardin, ou sur l'eau; apres quoi j'ecris a la petite femme cherie et je me couche. Aujourd'hui, comme hier, j'ai etudie et decrit dix tableaux et dix planches.

"J' comprends, J' comprends," said the old man, with an impatient gesture, and burst forth, pouring curses upon the United States, the President, the Territory of Orleans, Congress, the Governor and all his subordinates, striding out of the apartment as he cursed, while the object of his maledictions roared with merriment and rammed the floor with his foot.

M. CLEMENCEAU: Je comprends tout cela dans mes trois mots, "Réparations des dommages." Je supplie le Conseil de se mettre dans l'esprit de la population française.... M. VESSITCH: Et serbe.... M. HYMANS: Et belge.... M. SONNINO: Et italienne aussi.... M. HOUSE: Puisqu'est une question importante pour tous, je propose l'addition de M. Clemenceau.

I sends un cartel you comprends to ze gros bon ami de ma Marie, ce cochon d'un epicier! We meets in ze Bois: I gives him one leetel tierce en carte dat spoils his lovemakings for awhile; and, I leeves France again for evers dat is, unless ma patrie and ze sacred cause of ze Republique Francaise calls upon me but, not till den! So, you sees, my youngish friends, dat oders suffer like yourselfs.

Je comprends parfaitement que vous ne pouviez supprimer certains passages dont vous ne voulez cependant pas assumer la solidarite. Ces passages ne m'empecheront pas de lire avec interet la suite des oeuvres de cet observateur peu bien-veillant, mais fin et spirituel.

Cette pauvre auntie tyrannises over every one it's true, and then there's the governor's wife, and the rudeness of local society, and Karmazinov's 'rudeness'; and then this idea of madness, ce Lipoutine, ce que je ne comprends pas... and... and they say she's been putting vinegar on her head, and here are we with our complaints and letters.... Oh, how I have tormented her and at such a time!

Il est vous le connaissez autant que moi enfin. Think you that I would not prefer un homme qui fera parler de moi? If the secret appears I am rich a millions. How does it affect me? It is not my fault. It will never appear." "You will tell Harry everything, won't you?" "Je comprends. Vous refusez," said Blanche, savagely. "I will tell Harry at my own time, when we are married.