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Updated: August 16, 2024

'It's fair like a breath o' th' Almeety. 'Yi; it's comin' fro' th' delectable mountains, for sure it is. I'm just thinkin' it's too fine to go inside this afternoon. 'I'll tell thee what, Matt, I know summat haa that lad Jacob felt when he co'd th' moorside th' gate o' heaven.

The voice, too, became low and mellow, and her religion, instead of being that of the Church, was now that of the home. One morning, while carrying the child through the meadows, she was overtaken by Amos Entwistle, who stopped her, saying: 'Tak' care, Deborah, tak' care, or the Almeety will overthrow thi idol. Thaa'rt settin' thi affections on things o' th' earth; and He'll punish thee for it.

We con nobbud do what we're permitted to do. We're only instruments in th' Almeety's honds. 'But isn't th' Almeety His own Measter? 'So He is, but His ways are past findin' out. 'An' thaa means to say thaa'd save my lass, and th' Almeety wouldn't save me? 'It's decrees, thaa knows, lad, it's decrees, said Amos, unshaken by the argument of his friend.

'No, aw hevn't, but aw'm a deal nearer nor aw wur when he first laft me. An' doesto know, lass, aw feel misel to be gettin' so near naa that aw can welly yer him singin'. There's nobbud a step or two naa, and then we's be i' th' same raam. 'An' is th' Almeety baan to mak' me climb as mony steps as thaa's climbed afore I ged into th' same raam as He's takken little Job too, thinksto? 'Ey, lass.

'Gate or steele-hoile, it's narro'; and that's enugh for me, an' it were noan us ut made it narro'; it wur th' Almeety Hissel', replied Clogs. 'At any rate, He made it wide enough for Amanda, said Dr. Hale, 'and that is the matter we are now considering. 'I'm noan so sure o' that, doctor. There's a good bit o' Scripter agen yo' if yo' come to texes.

Was it the shadow of an angry God a God insulted by a divided love? It was in the torturing hold of questions such as these that she once more met Amos, who, laying the flattering unction to his soul that he could forgive his enemies, struck a stab straight at her heart by saying: 'Well, Deborah, th' chilt's dying, I yer. I towd thee he would. Th' Almeety goes hawves wi' no one.

There's some fo'k think they can eyt their cake and hev it. But th' Almeety doesn't bake bread o' that mak'. He helps them as helps theirsels. He gay' five to th' chap as bed five, and him as bed nobbud one, and did naught wi' it why, He tuk it fro' him, didn't He? I'll tell yo' what it is, Mr. Penrose, there's a deal o' worldly wisdom i' providence. Naa come, isn't there? Mr. Penrose laughed.

And the mother turned her tearful eyes towards the settle whereon lay the corpse. 'Well, cornd yo' see as God hes finished aar wark for us, and what we made lads, He's made angels on? 'But aw'd sooner ha' kept mine. Angels are up aboon, thaa knows; an' heaven's a long way off. 'Happen noan so far as thaa thinks, lass; and then th' Almeety will do better by 'em nor we con.

Durnd yo' think as th' Almeety cares as mich abaat us as we care for aar childer? I somehaa thinks He does. Didn't him as played on th' harp say, "Like as a faither pitieth his childer, so th' Lord pitieth them that fear Him"? An' him as said that had a bad lad an' o' an' didn't he say he'd raither ha' deed than th' lad?

When yo' see yor own go aat o' th' haas feet fermost, and yo' know it's for good an' o', there's summat taan aat o' yo' that nothin' ever maks up for at afterwards. I wor a long time afore I forgave th' Almeety for takin' aar Joe. And all the time I owed Him a grudge, and kep' on blamin' Him like; I got wurr and wurr, until I welly went mad.

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