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He let fall these last words slowly, in a kind of reverie, as he gazed out on the garden over which the twilight was fast gathering. "With all this time on your hands, I reckon you won't be takin' a look round the garden?" hazarded Fancy. "Certainly. Why not?" "Well, 'tis drawin' in dusk. But there! I wouldn' disappoint Mrs Bosenna, if I was you." "Eh?"

Dat's whar I takin my lesson." "Sho, gen'l'muns! 'pears to me lak you don't nebber go on er deep-sea v'yge whar you gets de genuwine joe-flogger, an' de plum-duff, an' sich like," said Nimbus, the yacht's cook. "Ef you had, you wouldn' talk."

He couldn' hol' no mo' pra'r-meetin's, fer Mars Walker wouldn' 'low 'im ter preach, en de darkies wouldn' 'a' listen' ter 'im ef he had preach'. He didn' eben hab his Bible fer ter comfort hisse'f wid, fer Mars Walker had tuk it erway fum 'im en burnt it up, en say ef he ketch any mo' niggers wid Bibles on de plantation he'd do 'em wuss'n he done Dave.

"I wonder why we each think the other wouldn'? 'S quite a remarrable remarkable problem," he added, triumphing over oral obstacles, not without obvious pride. "Wonder what we each think don't you?" "What do you suppose to have been my reason?" asked Morris adroitly. Michael looked at him and winked. "That's cool," said he. "Next thing, you'll ask me to help you out of the muddle.

Wonder if I didn't ought to say somet'ing?" Then a remembrance of some of his own earlier days came to him, and he chuckled. "Fo' de sake!" he said. "I wouldn' want to tell all I ever did!" And he drove on through Linfield, without summoning the guardians of the law. Stuart, unconscious how near he had been to an unpleasant delay, slept on.

Chichester, "what you may call my locus standi in this affair is just nothing at all. If the child had demanded my right to be putting questions to him, 'faith, I don't know what I could have answered." "It ain't that at all," said Tilda, after considering awhile. "It's your bein' a clergyman. 'E's shy of clergymen. If ever you'd seen Glasson you wouldn' wonder at it, neither."

"I was a lyin awake las' night and I got ter thinkin bout it, an I begun snickering so's She waked up, and She says, 'Peleg, seshee 'what in time be yew a snickerin at? and I says I wuz a snickerin tew think o' that air stuck up leetle gal o' Squire Edwards daown on her knees tew Perez, a cryin an a assin him ef he wouldn' please hev the racket stopped.

It turned out he had once paid a visit to one of the small Breton ports: Roscoff I think it was, and have a suspicion that smuggling lay at the bottom of the business there. "Well now," he commented as my father told something of his tale, "I wouldn' have thought it of the Johnnies. They treated me very pleasant, and I speak of a man as I find en."

"Whew! he didn' git over dat thing, seh he nuver did git over it. "De war come on jes' den, an' Marse Chan wuz elected cap'n; but he wouldn' tek it. He said Firginia hadn' seceded, an' he wuz gwine stan' by her. Den dey 'lected Mr. Gordon cap'n. "I sut'n'y did wan' Marse Chan to tek de place, cuz I knowed he wuz gwine tek me wid 'im. He wan' gwine widout Sam.

I got as far as walking arm-a-crook weth a chap wance, and, thought I, 'I won't go for to ask he to step in till I do know if he can dance wi' I. Some trouble I ded have keepen' he quiet till there was a gala and us could dance. Primitive Wesleyan, the gala was. He was all for me maken' up my mind long before, and I wouldn' have un till I knew, nor yet I wouldn' let un go.