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"Such great things I have done!" said Marie, reproachfully. "The first thing ees to get seeck so that my good aunt should have to take care of me. I do not like to make so much trouble." "It is nothing," said her aunt affectionately as she patted the thin hand. "The uncle and I, we care only for your pain and trouble. It ees a pleasure to have you with us."

He's come in, fin' tree, four mans seeck on de troat, cough, cough, sore, bad. Fill up de cook-house. Can't do noting. Sainte Marie! Dat new docteur, he's come on de camp, he's mak' one leet' fight, he's beeld hospital an' get dose seeck mans all nice an' snug. Bon. Good. By gar, dat's good feller!" The smile broadened on Fahey's face. "I say, Maclennan, he's captured your camp.

"By Jove," lamented the duke, water running down his neck in floods. "What a luxury a home is, be it ever so humble, on a night like this." "Mon Dieu! Mon Dieu!" groaned the count. "How comfortab' zey look. And here? Eh bien! Qui fait trembler la terre! I am seeck! I die!" "Penelope is out in all this," moaned his lordship. "I am not so sure of that.

Forbye, he was seeck, seeck unto death, and I saw mair in his een than I likit to think. "Come in-by and get some meat, man," I said. "Ye're famishin' wi' cauld and hunger." "I canna eat," he says, and his voice never changed. "It's lang since I had a bite, for I'm no hungry. But I'm awfu' thirsty. I cam here yestreen, and I can get nae water to drink like the water in the hills.

"You got how many?" 'Poleon persisted. "Oh, 'bout enough! Mebbe a dozen or two." "I buy 'em. Dere's poor seeck lady " Tom cut in brusquely. "You won't buy anything here. Don't tell us your troubles. We've got enough of our own, and poverty ain't among the number." "W'at trouble you got, eh? Me, I'm de trouble man. Mebbe I fix 'em." Sourly the partners explained their difficulty.

Dat is imposseeb to mak' de cook for den seeck mans hall aroun'." "What? Do they sit around where you are cooking?" "Certainment. Dat's warm plas. De bunkhouse she's col. Poor feller! But she's mak' me beeg troub'. She's cough, cough, speet, speet. Bah! dat's what you call lak' one beas'." The doctor strode into the cook-house.

Eef you say you not care a dam to go to jail, so you can put him there, too, becos' you have not'ing, an' so dam seeck of everyt'ing, he will t'ink ten t'ousan' dollar same as one cent to Nic Dupont ben sûr!" Lygon nodded his head, still holding his hands to the blaze.

Señor Noma meets me at the foot of the dining-room stairs. "I haf sent for a jar of chili-peppers for Mrs. Steele. Will you say your friend I raicommend chili-peppers, and I advice you put a little cayenne in the bif-tea. It makes vairy seeck without." "Thank you, Señor Noma," I say; "Wah-Ching will bring up the peppers and I will tell Mrs. Steele what you say." I glance back at the Peruvian.

"My lil Pietro," cried the Italian excitedly, "he no sleep he burn-a burn-a all-a da time, all-a da time cry! You tell-a you sis she come-a like-a da las' time den he no cry-a " But here Tony broke off to flourish his hat and bow gracefully as he caught sight of Hermione herself. "Ah, Signorina!" he cried, "my lil Pietro he seeck. You please-a come see my lil Pietro?

And I'm not always brave. But tell me what happened to you after you got here." "Something, my grief, perhaps, or the voyage, made me so seeck. But it ees much better already, for now I can read a little and can also sew." As she spoke Marie took from a little bag lying by her side a piece of embroidery which to Ruth's eyes seemed a marvel of neatness and beauty.