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"No, I ain't! But you tell-a da Signorina " "Sure I will " "My lil' Pietro he love-a da Signorina; me, I love-a her she so good, so generosa, ah, yes!" And taking off his hat in one hand, Tony kissed the other and waved it gracefully in the air. "Right-o, Tony!" nodded Spike. "You can let it go at that. An' say this is me friend Geoff." Tony gripped Mr. Ravenslee's hand and shook it.

Trapes, summoned to the front door by a feverish knocking, presently came back followed by Tony, whose bright eyes looked wider than usual as he saluted the company. "Hey, Geoff, me tell-a you piece-a da-noos!" he cried excitedly, "big-a piece-a da-noos. Da cops go-a pinch-a Bud-a M'Ginn'!" "Bud? Bud?" stammered the Spider. "Have they pinched Bud? Is this the straight goods, Tony?"

"No," said the tender old man, "no, bud h-I am positeef dad de Madjor will shood you." Mazaro nodded, and lifted one finger for attention. " sayce to me, 'Manuel, you goin' tell-a Senor D'Hemecourt, I fin'-a you some nigh' an' cut-a you' heart ou'. An' I sayce to heem-a, 'Boat-a if Senor D'Hemecourt he fin'-in' ou' frone Pauline'" "Silence!" fiercely cried the old man. "My God!

"Eh, heh, Monsieur le colonel! you think-a so? Well den, by gar you no need for tink-a so by gar my French-a-mans run over de fence just like vun tief horse run over de cornfield fence mind now I tell-a you dat, Monsieur le colonel." "Well, but Monsieur le count, the British sometimes fight like the d -l."

"Well, that's the way it goes, Mawruss," he said bitterly, as Enrico walked toward them from the cutting room. "Mr. Potash," he said, "ascuse me, you geev-a me now leetla time for going downtown just for same like I tell-a you dis morning?" "Go ahead, Henry," Morris replied. "You notta mad at me, Mr. Perlmutter?" Enrico asked anxiously. "Why should I got to be mad at you, Henry?" Morris rejoined.

Geoffrey, I'll tell you what a girl may look 'yes' with her eyes a whole week an' say 'no' with her mouth jest once and mean 'no' when it's to a peanut man Lordy Lord! what's that?" And Mrs. Trapes jumped as a hand rapped softly on the door, and stared horrified to see a human head protrude itself into the room while a voice said: "Da Signorina she out, so me come tell-a you piece-a-da-noos "

"All is possiblee to lo-va, Senor, you shouth-a let marry hore an' tak'n 'way frone d'these plaze, Senor." "Manuel Mazaro," said M. D'Hemecourt, again rising, "you 'ave say enough." "No, no, Senor; no, no; I want tell-a you is a-one man whath lo-va you' thaughter; an' I knowce him!" Was there no cause for quarrel, after all? Could it be that Mazaro was about to speak for Galahad?

Aunt Louise had accepted the position of arbitrator, and, presiding over the discussion, she had made the two contestants sit down before her in arm-chairs, at a respectful distance. Marceline, before being seated, had already taken the floor. I had the weakness to prefer him him over there. Why? I can scarcely tell-a childish habit, doubtless.

"My lil Pietro," cried the Italian excitedly, "he no sleep he burn-a burn-a all-a da time, all-a da time cry! You tell-a you sis she come-a like-a da las' time den he no cry-a " But here Tony broke off to flourish his hat and bow gracefully as he caught sight of Hermione herself. "Ah, Signorina!" he cried, "my lil Pietro he seeck. You please-a come see my lil Pietro?

"I seem rather out of it here," he told himself patiently, and was glad to enter the wide portals of Lazarus' Hotel. A grand, swarthy Greek, magnificent in a scarlet jacket and gold braid, pulled open the door for him, and heard his mission smilingly. "A brass-a image," he repeated. "Sir, you wait-a in the bar, an' I tell-a the boy go look."