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"No," said the tender old man, "no, bud h-I am positeef dad de Madjor will shood you." Mazaro nodded, and lifted one finger for attention. " sayce to me, 'Manuel, you goin' tell-a Senor D'Hemecourt, I fin'-a you some nigh' an' cut-a you' heart ou'. An' I sayce to heem-a, 'Boat-a if Senor D'Hemecourt he fin'-in' ou' frone Pauline'" "Silence!" fiercely cried the old man. "My God!

There was a threatening aspect about the horizon, but it was unnoticed by those who were intent on pleasure. Borelloni remained at home, being employed at some business. Mario sat at his usual place on the summit of the rock, and watching the preparations, knew their object. An awning was placed above the boat-a high and broad awning, which could effectually keep off the hot rays of the sun.

"He's r-right!" emphatically whispered Galahad. She attempted to draw back a step, but found herself against the shelves. M. D'Hemecourt had not answered. Mazaro spoke again. "Boat-a you canno' help-a, eh? I know, 'out-a she gettin' marry, eh?" Pauline trembled.

"Bud, w'ere dad Madjor Shaughnessy?" demanded M. D'Hemecourt, with the little sternness he could command. "Mayor Shaughness' yez-a; was there; boat-a," with a disparaging smile and shake of the head, "he woon-a come-a to you. Senor, oh' no." The old man smiled bitterly. "Non?" he asked. "Oh, no, Senor!" Mazaro drew his chair closer. "Senor;" he paused, "eez a-vary bath-a fore-a you thaughter, eh?"

He had resumed his chair, but be rose up once more, took the Cuban's hat from the table and tendered it to him. "Manuel Mazaro, you 'ave" "Senor, I goin' tell you" "Manuel Mazaro, you" "Boat-a Senor" "Bud, Manuel Maz" "Senor, escuse-a me" "Huzh!" cried the old man. "Manuel Mazaro, you ave deceive' me! You 'ave mocque me, Manu"