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One day when de sun was mighty strong, she seed an elerphant a comin along. She runned fast enough, she had no 'casion to grease her heels wid quicksilver; she went mighty fast, no doubt; she didn't want dat great beast's hoof in her wool. You and me seed an elerphant de time we was in Washington, long wid master, Miss Alice, and I thought 'bout Aunt Peggy that time. 'Twas a 'nageree we went to.

I've seed poor owld women git the bastinado that's what they calls it for nothin' at all a'most. Ah, they're awful hard on the women. They kape 'em locked up, they does, as if they was thieves or murderers, and niver lets 'em out at least the ladies among 'em for fear o' their bein' runned away wid.

The only unfamiliar thing he saw was a large sheet of brown paper tacked up at the end of the hogshead. On this paper was printed the following notice, the letters having evidently been made by a chewed stick, with liquid blacking considerably diluted with water: RuNNeD AwAy

"I dun know, please, sir," sobbed Dan Duff; "that was what he said as he runned off to it. He asked me if I had seen any folks about, and I said I'd only seen that un in the lane." "Whom did you see in the lane?" "I dun know who it was, please, sir," returned Dan, sniffing greatly. "I wasn't a-nigh him." "But you must have been nigh him if you met him in the lane."

"Kiss it p'ease, and make it well," begged Lucy tearfully as she climbed on his knee; while the kitten, after looking nervously around, sought refuge in Master Sunshine's coat-pocket. "Lucy was dwessin' kitty in dollie's clothes, and it went 'spitz! and runned up her shoulder," wept Lucy. Master Sunshine kissed the smarting neck, and cuddled the pet in his arms.

As they were carrying it in Philpot winked at Bert and whispered: 'Did yer see Pontius Pilate anywheres outside? ''E went away on 'is bike just as I come in at the gate. 'Did 'e? Thank Gord for that! I don't wish 'im no 'arm, said Philpot, fervently, 'but I 'opes 'e gets runned over with a motor.

"I doubted I knawed him through an' through at last, but 't is awnly to-day, an' after this, that I can say as I do," mused Mr. Lyddon over an untasted breakfast. "To think he runned them awful risks to make you fast to him! To think he corned all across England in the past to make you his wife against the danger on wan side, an' the power o' Jan Grimbal an' me drawed up 'pon the other!"

It's worse an' more of it, an' I want to get quit of it soon's I can. 'Tain't no ways likely grandpa's hereabouts, an' My, but you're a hefty little darlin'! If I wasn't afraid to let you, I'd have ye walk a spell. But you might get runned over by some them ingines what won't stay still no place an' I dastn't, you dear, precious sweetness, you!

Bimeby she got so bad de w'ite folks sont her ober ter young Mis' Ma'g'ret's fer ter gib her a change; but she runned erway de fus' night, en w'en dey looked fer 'er nex' mawnin' dey foun' her co'pse layin' in de branch yander, right 'cross fum whar we're settin' now. There was silence when the old man had finished, and I am sure I saw a tear in my wife's eye, and more than one in Mabel's.

"Pooh, pooh! what the devil did you do that they put such a penance on you." "Why, I runned away wit' a young woman, shir." "Upon my soul you're a devilish likely fellow to run away with a young woman, and a capital taste she must have had to go with you; but perhaps you took her away by violence, eh?"