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Cousin Fanny came up, but Poppy was so ashamed to be tied that she crept under the sofa and hid. All day she was a prisoner, and was a very miserable little girl; but at night she was untied, and, when mamma took her in her lap for the first time that day, Poppy held her fast, and sobbed very penitently "O mamma! I drefful sorry I runned away.

Att last finding our selves out of all feare & danger, we went freely a hunting about the lake, where we tarried 3 dayes, and 2 of our Company mett with 2 women that runned away from the Sanoutin's country, which is of the Iroquoit nation. The next day we went from thence with the 5 prisoners & the 22 heads.

You know I held you in my arms over de people's heads to see de monkeys ride. "Well, Aunt Peggy say she runned till she couldn't run no longer, so she clumb a great tree, and sat in de branches and watched him. He made straight for de river, and he kicked up de sand wid his hoofs, as he went along, till he come to de bank; den he begins to drink, and he drinks, I tell you.

"Why," said Toddie, "Bliaff was a brate bid man, an' Dave was brate little man, an' Bliaff said, 'Come over here'n an' I'll eat you up, an' Dave said, 'I ain't fyaid of you. So Dave put five little stones in a sling an' asked de Lord to help him, an' let ze sling go bang into bequeen Bliaff's eyes an' knocked him down dead, an' Dave took Bliaff's sword an' sworded Bliaff's head off, an' made it all bluggy, an' Bliaff runned away."

"What you doing in Miss Minerva's yard?" came the answering interrogation across the fence. "I's come to live with her," replied Billy. "My mama an' papa is dead. What's yo' name?" "I'm Jimmy Garner. How old are you? I'm most six, I am." "Shucks, I's already six, a-going on seven. Come on, le's swing." "Can't," said the new acquaintance, "I've runned off once to-day, and got licked for it."

Out he shot like an arrow from the bow, and after him ran Isaac "as he had never runned afore in all his life." For a short space deer and dog in hot pursuit were visible on the snow, then the darkness swallowed them up as they rushed down the slope; but in less than half a minute a sound came back to Isaac, flying, too, down the incline the long, wailing cry of a deer in distress.

"We was just taking our pleasuring, and didn't know but what you was an enemy, or a pirate, or some chap of that sort, so we runned away, sir, do ye see." "Very well; you'll remain on board the cutter for the present, and perhaps I may prove to the contrary," said my uncle.

I thought you were miles away, in Virginia." "So I was, Mass' Richard. But Lor' bless you, when de Linkum sogers come, I couldn't stay no longer. I took and runned away." "And here you are, then." "Yes, Mass' Richard, here I is, for sure." "How do you like the North, Chloe?" "Don't like it as well as de Souf. It's too cold," and Chloe shivered. "But you would rather be here than there?"

But Pansy, responding again to the company rather than her guardian's counsel, and as if appealing to them, went on half poutingly: "Yes! I runned away because they teased me! Because they didn't like you and said horrid things. Because they told awful, dreadful lies! Because they said I wasn't no orphan! that my name wasn't Stannard, and that you'd made it all up.

"Well, here's my hair, Nono, but you mustn't pull it; 'tisn't your hair! O, I want to kiss my mamma, I do!" "Your mamma will be back again this evening." "Don't want to kiss her in the evening want to kiss her now!" "What makes you in such a hurry to kiss your mother?" "O, I just only want to tell her to whip Prudy. Naughty Prudy runned away! Made out o' dirt!"