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"Oo is it?" growled the shipowner. "Gennelman from the noospaper, sir." "Can't be bothered." "'E sez hit's most himportant, sir." "Wot is?" "I dunno, sir." "Well, show 'im in. I'll soon settle 'im." A quiet-mannered young man appeared. He ignored David's sharp, "Now, wot can I do for you?" and drew up a chair, on which he seated himself, uninvited.

For years I was the terror of the Venezuelan Gulf, the Spanish Main, an' the Pacific seas, but there was precious little money into it. The best pay I got was from a Sunday noospaper which paid me well to sign an article on 'Modern Piracy' which I didn't write.

Then suddenly aware of the foreboding, savage gleam in Norton's eyes, a glint of grim humor came into his own and his lips opened a little, curling sarcastically. "Why," he said, looking at Norton, "I don't reckon to be anyone's keeper." He smiled widely, with a suddenly ludicrous expression. "If you're talkin' about that tenderfoot noospaper guy, he don't need no keeper.

I've sojourned up and down it and I can't guess how the old-time highbrows in your little island came to put it together. But I'll let you into a secret, Dick. I read this morning in a noospaper that there was a natural affinity between Americans and the men of the British Dominions. Take it from me, there isn't at least not with this American. I don't understand them one little bit.

Thare's moore infurmashun to be gut out of a well conductid noospaper price 3 sents than thare is out of ten poplar lectures at 25 or 50 dollers a pop, as the kase may be. These same peple, bare in mind, stick up their nosis at moral wax figgers & sagashus beests. Thay say these things is low.

However, the solution of her riddle was of prevailing interest, so she returned again to her questioning. "Did he say how he found me?" she demanded. "Did he tell you any any particulars of what happened to the cart, and and the teamster?" "No, ma'm miss, beggin' your pardin, that he didn't. I never see sech a fresh feller outside a noospaper office.

Wal," as Sandy and Sunny nodded assent, and Toby sat all eyes for the speaker, "this yere Trust is a goin' concern, an', I take it, we mean business. So, though we ain't runnin' a noospaper, maybe we'll need a fightin' editor after all. If we need a fightin' editor we'll sure need a fightin' staff. That's jest logic. I'll ast you right here, is you boys that fightin' staff?

He puts his bald head out of the window above, and asks: "Pe you Herr Shtevens ?" "Yah, yah," I reply. " Do you go mit der veld around ?" "Yah; I goes around mit the world." "I shoust read about you mit der noospaper." " Ah, indeed! what newspaper?" "Die Frankfurter Zeitung. You go around mit der veld."

"Done?" said Joseph, who had been sitting on the handle of the wheelbarrow, occasionally nodding and dozing in the pleasant sunlight. Miss Blythe arose languidly and gave him the promised sixpence. "You'm a wonner to read, you be, mum," he said, as he pocketed the coin. "I niver seed none on 'em goo at sich a pace as that. Sometimes my lord 'll look at one side of a noospaper for a hour together.

It's Gatwick today. Dash! I might have saved you a journey." "Oh, it doesn't matter. In my business there is no call for hurry." Elkin looked around. "Where's our friend, the 'tec?" he said. "I think you're wrong about 'im, meanin' Mr. Peters," said Tomlin. "'E's 'ere for a noospaper, not for the Yard." "That's his blarney," smirked Elkin.