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You've made up your mind for good and all to stick to the highbrows? I'd make it worth your while to come here." Dan rose from the packer's box and looked around at the hams and shoulders and lard buckets and answered out of the fulness of his grateful heart: "Yes, I've made up my mind, Pete. It's St. Andrew's for me, St. Andrew's now and, I hope, forever.

Greenhalge and a few young highbrows and a reformed crook named Harrod did most of the hair-raising. They're going to nominate Greenhalge for mayor; and he told 'em something about that little matter of the school board, and said he would talk more later on.

"What ho!" cried Mr. Jupp. "Miranda has joined the highbrows." Dennis Brown was too seriously occupied to waste his time upon Miranda's enthusiasms. "It's a pity we can't get the evening papers," he said gloomily. "I should dearly like to see the London forecasts for to-morrow."

You never talked about it in peace time, and you shunned the theatrical ways of the Teuton. But you had the wires laid good and sure. I calculate there isn't much that happens in any corner of the earth that you don't know within twenty-four hours. I don't say your highbrows use the noos well. I don't take much stock in your political push.

We've brought in thousands of workmen. We've built up a city. We have developed this State." "All for your own profit " "Exactly! What else does the poor man work for? But I'm not going to argue that kindergarten twaddle of the college highbrows, Wayland.

We managed to close some of the bolt-holes, but we couldn't put our hands near the big ones. 'By this time, said he, 'I reckoned I was about ready to change my methods. I had been working by what the highbrows call induction, trying to argue up from the deeds to the doer. Now I tried a new lay, which was to calculate down from the doer to the deeds. They call it deduction.

"He'd just be getting that impression, and then Tom would pull some of his low comedy stuff and queer the whole thing. We can never palm ourselves off as highbrows while he's around." "Just because you're unable to appreciate the little gems of wit I offer you from time to time, you have to go and run them down," protested Tom. "It isn't my fault that you haven't sense enough to laugh at them.

He indicated again the direction of the theater from which they had just emerged. "She would have liked him," Billy said gloomily, "but the show would have started her arguing about this whole moving-picture proposition, its crudity, and its tremendous sacrifice of artistic values, and so on and so on." "Sure, she's a highbrow. Highbrows always cerebrate about the movies in one way or another.

He came to me one day and said: "Our organization has lost the confidence of the 'highbrows. They have not a great many votes, but their names carry weight and their contributions are invaluable in campaigns. To regain their confidence we are thinking of nominating for member of the legislature young Theodore Roosevelt, who has just returned from Harvard. What do you think of it?"

More abhorrent to her was the growing slackness in his personal habits.... He had addressed her with great volubility and earnestness upon his belief that now they were married, she must get rid of all her virginal book-learned notions about reticence between husband and wife. Such feminine "hanky-panky tricks," he assured her, were the cause of "all these finicky, unhappy marriages and these rotten divorces lot of fool clubwomen and suffragettes and highbrows expecting a man to be like a nun. A man's a man, and the sooner a female gets on to that fact and doesn't nag, nag, nag him, and let's him go round being comfortable and natural, the kinder he'll be to her, and the better it'll be for all parties concerned. Every time! Don't forget that, old lady. Why, there's J.