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Perault's Gallic temperament responded to the doctor's quiet tone and manner. "Oui. Bon," he said, settling down. "Listen to me. We come nice and slow to dis place, an' den we go up dat gulch for little prospect. Good ting, too. Good mine dere, sure. But old boss he can't stay. He must go, go, go. Den we go up 'noder gulch, tree, four day more, for 'noder mine. Pretty good, too.

Vulcan exclaimed, certain that we felt alike on this topic, if on no other; "poor young missus! when we ebber get 'noder like she!" "My sister is in heaven, Vulcan, where I hope all at Clawbonny, blacks as well as whites, will endeavour to meet her, by living in a manner that will improve the mercy of God."

"Well, for a man out ob sorts, you walk most awrful irriglar one time slow, noder time so quick. I was 'bleeged to run to obertake you." Further converse was checked by their arrival in the town. On reaching the hotel they found the place in considerable confusion and bustle owing to preparations for the governor's ball, about to take place that evening. They met Pedro at the door.

"Jarema hit him on head, shake him bad, and trow him in corner on noder man." Again the Dalmatian broke forth. "He say he got no knife at all. He cannot make hole like dat wit' his finger." "Well, we shall see about that," said the Sergeant. "Now where is that other man?" He turned toward the corner. The corner was empty.

So while it was fumblin' about, missin' the right crevice, sez I, poppin' up, thinkin' to shame it, 'Maybe the crawly snail's after aitin' it on you, sez I. 'Och, yis; I seen it, sez the spalpeen, as brazen as brass. 'Gimme 'noder bit instid. There's a schemin' young rapscallion for you!" "They're too like their mother altogether to plase me," said Judy Ryan.

De ole boss he say 'Perault, we mak de passage, eh? 'No, I say, 'we try noder crossing. 'How far? he say. 'Two tree mile' 'Guess try heem here, he say, an' no matter how I say heem be blam-fool for try, dat ole boss hees laf small, leele laf an' mak de start.

Noder tam he get mad on one voyageur, but he don' keel heem queek; he bring heem here, mak' heem stay in dose warm room, feed heem dose plaintee grub. Purty soon dose voyageur is get fat, is go sof; he no good for dose trail. Ole man he mak' heem go ver' far off, mos' to Whale Reever. Eet is plaintee cole. Dat voyageur, he freeze to hees inside. Dey tell me he feex heem like dat."

"Nonsense," said Burrell. "I know you too well for that." "You know me for good man, eh? An' you know I ain' try for bre'k up oder fellers' biznesse, never! Wal, I'm come to you now lak' wan good man to 'noder biccause I'm got bad trouble on de min', an' you mus'n't get sore." "There's no danger, Poleon. Let's have it. If there is anything I can do, you may count on me."

I throw him in, and den I throw plenty large pieces rock on him till I no see him any more; den I take de two mules and get on mine wid de dollars, and lead de other three four mile, till I come to a large wood take off him saddle and bridle, turn him adrift. Den I tear up all clothes all in lilly bits, hide one piece here, noder piece dere, and de saddle and bridle in de bush.

Aun' Sheba listened in silence, and sat for a long time in deep thought, while Sissy and Vilet sobbed quietly. At last the old woman said firmly, "Sissy, I wants you and Kern ter be on han'. Vilet kin take keer ob do chillun. Dis am gwine ter be a solemn 'casion, an' de Lawd on'y knows wot's gwine ter come out ob it. Anyhow dis fam'ly mus' stan' by one noder.