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"Well, Poussette, I must do the best to stand it that I know how. You and I agree about a good many things. Tell me do you believe that that Mr. that he is really a reformed man, really changed in his habits? And is he going to marry Miss Clairville? You are around with him a good deal; you are likely to know." "The day is feex," returned Poussette without enthusiasm.

"Yo' get away from me -please do!" begged Sambo, recoiling in terror. "Sambo," laughed Tom, "Africa shouldn't have stirred up Mexico as you did. Now, lie down on your face, place your hands behind you, and I will persuade him to let you alone." Sambo hesitated. "Let me at him, Senor!" begged Nicolas, maneuvering forward, his right hand ready. "He is no good, I tell you! But I feex him!"

"Wal," he began, nervously, clearing his throat, "it's lak' dis. Dere's feller been talk some 'bout Necia, an' it ain' nice talk neider." "Who is he?" exclaimed the soldier, in a tone that made the girl's heart leap. "Wait! Lemme tol' you w'at he say, den we'll talk 'bout feex 'im plaintee.

Also, as he wiped away the perspiration on his forehead and neck and arms, he turned baleful eyes upon the innocent cause of his toil. "You black devil!" he growled, after a moment. "I feex you now bet you' life! And you can keeck and keeck and keeck! You don' worry thees cart mooch! You black devil!" Then he became active again.

"It will sp'ile me so I can't sing. If I couldn't see ye laff I might do " "Dot vos all righdt," declared Hans. "You bet my life we been aple to feex dot britty soon right avay queek. Shust gif me your bocket handerkerchief." "Whut you want of it?" "Nefer you mindt dot. Shust gif me to id."

The country boy produced the handkerchief, and Hans quickly folded it in a thick strip about three inches wide. "Now I feex id britty shlick so you don'd see us laugh oudt loudt," he said, as he quickly tied the handkerchief over the boy's eyes, while several of the others made Ephraim submit and stand with his little fingers still glued to the seams of his trousers.

Dat's good t'ing; but he's seeck man, so mebbe I feex it him nice place for stop till dem boats come." "Yes, yes! Leave me here. I'll make it through all right," begged Runnion. "Better you camp yonder on de point, w'ere you can see dose steamboat w'en she comes 'roun' de ben'. Dis is bad place." He indicated the thicket, a quarter of a mile above which ran out almost to the cut bank. "Come!

"The day is feex, and I am bes' man." "What do you think about it, though? Don't you think he'll break out again?" Ringfield's anxious bitter inflections could not escape Poussette. "Ah-ha! Mr. Ringfield, sir you remember that I wanted Miss Clairville for myself? Bigosh but I have got over that, fine! Sir, I tell you this, me, a common man you can get over anything if you make up the mind.

Somebody see you, no? I guess you don' feex me. Sacre! I guess you don' try." Colonel Pennington's discovery at San Francisco that Bryce Cardigan had stolen his thunder and turned the bolt upon him, was the hardest blow Seth Pennington could remember having received throughout thirty-odd years of give and take.

Noder tam he get mad on one voyageur, but he don' keel heem queek; he bring heem here, mak' heem stay in dose warm room, feed heem dose plaintee grub. Purty soon dose voyageur is get fat, is go sof; he no good for dose trail. Ole man he mak' heem go ver' far off, mos' to Whale Reever. Eet is plaintee cole. Dat voyageur, he freeze to hees inside. Dey tell me he feex heem like dat."