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But afder der vater is gone down, unt dry oop unt eberding, dere vas yet der house dere. Unt my friends dey sait, 'Dot's all you got yet. Vell, feex oop der house dot's someding! feex oop der house, unt you vood still hatt yet a home! Vell, all summer I go to work, unt spent me eberding unt feex der proberty. Den I got yet a morgage on der house!

I don' never t'ink he'll mak' fun of poor little gal." "But he has, Poleon; that's just what he has done." She came near to breaking down, and finished, pathetically, "They're telling the story on the street, so Runnion says." "Dat's easy t'ing for feex," he said. "Runnion, she don' spread no more story lak' dat." "I don't care what they say. I want the truth.

"Well, what does that entitle me to?" "I tole you I feex you up. Ha! Ha! I know it; you are a gentleman; you want a nice leetle trip on Europe. Sure. I feex you right up. I send you off on a nice easy cattleboat where you won't have to work much hardly any. Right away it goes. Ten dollars pleas-s-s-s." "But when does the boat start? Where does it start from?" Mr. Wrenn was a bit confused.

Then the Cardigan crew fell upon it while Jules Rondeau ran the train back to the Laguna Grande yards, dismissed his crew, returned to the mill- office, and released the manager. "You'll pay through the nose for this, you scoundrel," Sexton whimpered. "I'll fix you, you traitor." "You feex nothing, M'sieur Sexton," Rondeau replied imperturbably. "Who is witness Jules Rondeau tie you up?

I help you get feex." Runnion shrank from his proffered assistance half fearfully, but, reassured, allowed the Frenchman to help him towards the shore. "We tell it de first boat 'bout you, an' dey pick you up. You wait here, Necia."