Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 6, 2025
It is told to lay before the general public, as well as the military critic, the work of a little detachment of thirty-seven men, armed with an untried weapon, organized in the short space of four days preceding July 1, 1898, and which without proper equipment, adequate instruction, or previous training, in the face of discouragements and sneers, and in spite of obstacles enough to make the mere retrospect sickening, still achieved for itself a warm place in the hearts of all true soldiers, and covered itself with glory upon the hardest fought battle-field of the Hispano-American War.
"You may be of some use, Miss Jillgall, if you stay," my sister suggested. "Eunice seems to be trembling. Is she angry, or is she ill?" The sting of this was in the tone of her voice. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life but I did succeed in controlling myself. "Go on with what you have to say," I answered, "and don't notice me."
Jonathan may want a commission in the Guards, as I do; and if he pleases the great man, he may get it." "Jonathan's not thinking of that," said Desmond. "Shush-h-h!" The singers stood up. They faced the Field Marshal, and he faced them. He looked hardest at Lawrence, pointed out to him by the Head Master.
'Do you know what the hardest thing in my life is? Lushington asked, suddenly rousing himself. 'It is the certainty that my friend can never have been and never can be at all like you in everything that appeals to me most. But it would be still worse oh, infinitely worse! to see you grow like her, by living amongst the same people. You will suffer if you do, and you will suffer if you cannot.
But this was no new thought, nor was the contrariness of Bibbs's notes a surpise to him; and presently he dismissed the matter from his mind. He felt very lonely, and this was, daily, his hardest hour. For a long time he and Jim had lunched together habitually.
After a good deal of hesitation Massachusetts also came into line; then Maryland and South Carolina. Only one more state was now needed to make the union safe. Would that one state come in, the friends of union asked themselves, and they worked their hardest to make people think as they did.
There was a momentary spasm of grief, a tidal wave of remorse, followed in a few brief weeks by the peculiar recuperation of spirits, beauty and attractiveness that so marks this type of woman. Gradually she became hardened and indifferent. She began to view life as a hunting field, in which the trophy went to the hardest rider.
Mamma, and Julia Matilda have brought home an immense stock of Northern millinery, all paid for with the hardest of Southern money, which papa declares the greatest evil the state suffers under. He has been down in the wilderness for the last ten years, searching in vain for a remedy. The North is the hungry dog at the door, and he will not be kicked away.
Still the game must be played, or forfeited to Allandale; and Scranton fellows are not in the habit of giving anything up without the hardest kind of a struggle. So with a sigh, and trying to appear calm, Hugh turned to his second-string pitcher. "Are you game, Frazer, for a desperate fight?" asked Hugh, smiling in a way he hoped would inspire the other with confidence.
He hasn't getten th' white choaker on ta morn, another lad would say, and I had to double my fists hard i' th' bottom of my Sunday coat, and say to mysen, 'If 'twere Monday and I warn't a member o' the Primitive Methodists, I'd leather all th' lot of yond'. That was th' hardest of all to know that I could fight and I mustn't fight." Sympathetic grunts from Mulvaney.
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