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"That's correc'," concurred Sundown. "Now, take Gentle Annie, for instance " "You mean Mrs. er Sundown?" "Nope! Me tame cow. 'Annie' is American for 'Anita, so I called her that. Now, that there Gentle Annie's just a regular cow. She ain't purty but she sure gives plenty milk. Neeter got me to seein' that Gentle Annie's eyes was purty and mournful-like and that she was a right handsome cow.

Sundown, leaving his team at the fence, took a short cut to the house. He entered the back door and called to Anita. "Neeter," he said, as she hastened to answer him, "they's some friends of mine just drivin' up. If you could kind of make a quick change and put on that white dress with the leetle roses sprinkled on it quick; and is is he sleepin'?" "Si! He is having the good sleep." "Fine!

"Well," said Sundown, "I reckon I got to be joggin'. Thanks for the check." Corliss waved his hand. "I'll step over to the gate with you. Thought perhaps you'd stay and see Billy." "Nope. I ain't feelin' like meetin' folks today. Don' know why. Sky's clear and fine, but inside I feel like it was goin' to rain. When you comin' down to see leetle Bill and Neeter?" "Pretty soon. Is Billy well?"

"Well! Gee Gosh! If you could hear the langwidge he uses when Neeter puts him to bed and he don't want to go! Why, yesterday he was on the floor playin' with Chance and Chance got tired of it and lays down to snooze. Billy hitches along up to Chance, and Bim! he punches Chance on the nose. Made him sneeze, too! Why, that kid ain't afraid of nothin' jest like his pa.

Lewis went up to the Lodges to See those Canoes and exchanged our Smallest Canoe for one of them by giveing a Hatchet & few trinkets to the owner who informed that he purchased it of a white man below for a horse, these Canoes are neeter made than any I have ever Seen and Calculated to ride the waves, and carry emence burthens, they are dug thin and are suported by cross pieces of about 1 inch diamuter tied with Strong bark thro holes in the Sides. our two old Chiefs appeared verry uneasy this evening.

Mebby not outside; but say, inside things is different. I got feelin's now what I never knowed I had before. Why, sometimes, when Neeter is rockin' leetle Bill, and singing and me settin' in the door, towards evenin', and everything fed up and happy, why, do you know, I feel jest like cryin'. Plumb foolish, ain't it?" "I don't know about that, Sun."

Beside the cowboy stood a great, shaggy dog Chance. And, by chance, the picture was a success. "Why, it's you, Sun!" exclaimed Corliss, striding to the picture. "And it's a dandy! I'd hang it in the front room." "That's what Neeter was sayin'. But I kind of like it in here. You see, Neeter sets there and I set here where I can see me picture while I'm eatin'. It kind of gives me a good appetite.

He was the longest and most upstanding six-feet-four of proud father that Margery or her husband had ever had the pleasure of meeting. "He's got Neeter's eyes and and her complexion, but he's sure got me style. He measures up two-feet-six by the yardstick what we got with buyin' a case of bakin'-soda, and he ain't a yearlin' yet. I don't just recollec' the day but I reckon Neeter knows."

Reckon I got to rustle up somethin' for a weddin' present. I know, be Gosh! I'll send 'em me picture. Billy was kind of stuck on it." "Good idea, Sun. But I guess you'll miss it yourself." "I dunno. Neeter ain't lookin' at it as much as she used to. She's busy lookin' after leetle Bill and me. 'Course I can get another one took most any time." "Make it two and give me one," said Corliss.

They went and left four dollars and twenty-eight cents in the sugar-bowl and a piece of paper with it sayin', 'For the kid. We never found it out till I was drinkin' me coffee that night and liked to choked to death on a nickel. Guess them punchers ain't so bad." "No. They stopped here next day. Said they'd never had a finer feed than you gave 'em." "Neeter is sure some cook.