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This fowl may be properly Stiled the Missouri Pleaver- the wind became verry Hard and we put too on the L. Side, as the wind Continued with Some degree of violence and the waves too high for the Canoes we were obliged to Stay all day Shannon killed a bird of the plover kind the weight one pound. eye black percing and prominent

These men were not Suckcessfull in hunting killed only one Deer Capt Lewis & the Party arvd. at 4 oClock & we all proceeded on a Short distance and Camped on an Island the Musquitors verry troublesom this evening G Drewyer not knowing the place we Camped Continued on up the river.

A wall of darkness lies before her, which she will not penetrate. Aunt Merce sits near me with her knitting. When I look at her I think how long it is since mother went, and wonder whether death is not a welcome idea to those who have died. Aunt Merce looks at Verry and the child with a sorrowful countenance, exchanges a glance with me, shakes her head.

The S W fok contains more timber than is below for Some distance, we assended this fork about one mile and Encamped on an Island which had been laterly overflown & was wet we raised our bead on bushes, we passed a part of the river above the forks which was divided and Scattered thro the willows in Such a manner as to render it dificuelt to pass through for a 1/4 of a mile, we wer oblige to Cut our way thro the willows- Men much fatigued from their excessive labours in hauling the Canoes over the rapids &c. verry weak being in the water all day. my foot verry painfull

"I do not feel it," she cried mournfully. "I must yield to you then. You can be good. "I must act so; but help me, Verry; I have contrary desires." "What do they find to feed on? What are they? Have you your evil spirit?" "Yes; a devil named Temperament." "Now teach me, Cassandra." "Not I. Go, and write Ben. Make excuses for my negligence toward you about his letter. Tell him to come.

They showed us the queen's tomb, split from top to bottom. The priests naturally claim a miracle; but Pavlovitch said, "I tink dey verry clever, dey done dat wi' gunpowder." The Tzar Stephan had wished to build the church of gold and precious stones, but a soothsayer said

I got out & walked on the L Sd. thro a Charming Bottom of rich Land about one mile then I assended a hill of about 170 foot on the top of which is a Moun and about 100 acres of Land of Dead timber on this hill one of the party says he has found Lead ore a verry extensive Cave under this hill next the river, the Land on the top is fine, This is a very bad part of the river Seven Deer Killed to day by our hunters- one of the horses is Snaged, the other lost his Shous to day the Bottom on the St.

Fields and hung up near the river. Side about 150 feet high, this Clift the Indians Call the Beavers head, opposit at 300 yards is a low clift of 50 feet which is a Spur from the Mountain on the Lard. about 4 miles, the river verry Crooked, at 4 oClock a hard rain from the S W accompanied with hail Continued half an hour, all wet, the men Sheltered themselves from the hail with bushes We Encamped on the Stard Side near a Bluff, only one Deer killed to day, the one killed Jo Fields 3 Days past & hung up we made use of river narrow, & Sholey but not rapid.

The river at this place is yards wide and about 10 feet water Cought a rat in our Stores, which had done some mischief, this rat was about the Sise of a Comn. large rat, larger ears, long whiskers & toes, with a tail long & hairey like a ground Squirel, verry fine fur and lighter than the Common rat.

"The gentlemen do not guess that we are sisters," said Veronica quietly. "How do I look?" I asked. "You know how, and that I do not agree with your opinion. You look cruel." "I am cruel hungry." Her eyes sparkled with disdain. "What do you mean to do for a year?" I continued. "Forget you, for one thing." "I hope you wont be ill again, Verry."

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