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But I'll jest tell you as a friend, that if you go resurrectin' any moh of them man slaughters I don't care if they're older'n the 'sassination of Garfield I'll hang you for bein' a plain damn fool." With this he uttered a loud guffaw, but once more grew sober and laid his hand on Dale's shoulder: "Don't you go killin' no moh fellers 'round heah! I do mean that!

He's got to send away fur the kind he wants 'n' he won't let me start his hoss till they come. Nobody but big stables pays attention to colors, so I tries to talk him out of the notion, nothin' doin'! "'Ma colors were known and respected in days gone by, suh, he says. 'Ah owe it to the public who reposed confidence in the puhple and white, to fly ma old flag when Ah once moh take the field.

When I reached the four corners where the road to Four-Pools branches off from the valley turnpike, I saw the wagon coming with the two Mathers negroes in it, but without any sign of Mose. I drew up and waited for them. "Hello, boys!" I called. "What's become of Mose?" "Dat's moh 'n I can say, Mista Ahnold," one of the men returned.

"She's gwine have de room 'crost from Miss Liz, an' fresh boo-kays eve'y day. We'se comin' over 'foh long, too; fer de doctor say he ain' gwine take no moh skin offen her." Then suddenly she exclaimed: "What, in de land sake, is de matter wid you-all's pants?" But he had turned, and in deep thought started across the grass to the big house, leaving her in open-mouthed amazement.

Mister Whatever-yoh-name-is, I won't listen to no moh!" Brent carried a small electric torch, and this happened to be in his hand while he was thus amusing himself with Potter. Absently now he pressed the button and watched the light, shining behind his closed fingers, turn them a bright, transparent red.

She make you think she like you fus' rate, an' den de nex' thing you knows, she kunjer you, an' shribble up de siners ob your legs, an' gib you mis'ry in your back, wot you neber git rid of no moh'. Can't tell you nuffin' else now, for h'yar comes Miss Annie," she added hurriedly, and, stepping to the bedside, she drew from under the mattrass a pair of little blue shoes, tied together by their strings.

"No one living," said he, "appreciates what she has done moh than myself, suh, but I desiah to lay ma hand on a real race mayah once moh befoh I die!" Blister's face softened. "Come on in, Mr. Sanford," he invited. "Why you win the derby once, didn't you?" "Thank you, suh. Yes, suh, many yeahs ago," said the little old man, and removing his battered hat he entered the stall, his white head bare.

Distantly yet almost out of the air about them, as if it were the spirit of Kentucky speaking with ineffable gentleness through the gathering twilight a quintette of negroes, somewhere across the valley, sang in mellow, minor harmonies: "Weep no moh, mah lady; Oh, weep no moh, today!"

"Julia says that she's been promised a pair of shoes for commencement," Jane glanced over at Nancy. "I fear it's a case of sweeter anticipation than realization." "She'll suffer moh agonies than shoes that night," Nancy laughed. "Hasn't she a piece to recite?" Jane was about to answer when another youngster standing in the doorway held her attention.

Does he think anybody gwine to see him all de way from de house, and come open de gate? Reckin' he don' know dat ole mud-color hoss. He mought git out and let down de whole fence, an' dat ole hoss ud nebber move. Bress my soul moh' p'intedly! ef Mahs' Junius ain't comin' 'long ter open de gate!" For a few moments Peggy stood and stared, her mind not capable of grasping this astounding situation.