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You entertain him for a while." "But he der boss iss." "Not on this ranch. This is a free and unadulterated republic, where there are no bosses. Tell him to make himself at home, and I'll be there as soon as I can." Now the cattle were all rounded up, and the cutting out of the two and three-year olds began.

It iss followin' up his trail I will be doin', wi' some proveesions on my back, if wan or two o' you will go wuth me." "I will go," said Archie Sinclair, promptly, "if some o' you will promise to take care o' Little Bill." A laugh greeted this offer, and half-a-dozen of the men at once agreed to take good care of the invalid.

As they entered the sitting-room where the telephone was located, Bob was in the act of hanging up the receiver. "Who was it, Bob?" asked his mother. "I don't know; it sounded like a German's voice. At any rate he had the wrong number. He said, 'Iss dis Mr. Vernberg?" "Oh, Wernberg," exclaimed Mr. Cook. "He's the man who moved into that house down on the corner about two years ago.

"Joe," said Maggot in a whisper, and with a serious look, "some one have bin here." "D'ee think so?" said Tonkin. "Iss I do; the bushes are broken a bit. Hush! what's that?" The two men paused and looked at each other with awe depicted on their faces, while they listened intently, but, in the words of the touching old song, "the beating of their own hearts was all the sound they heard."

Among the officers of the Xavarian I thought I could discern division into factions ere we had reached Helium. There were those who gathered about Carthoris and myself whenever the opportunity presented, while about an equal number held aloof from us. They offered us only the most courteous treatment, but were evidently bound by their superstitious belief in the doctrine of Dor and Iss and Korus.

"I haf anticipate' monsieur's question; t'is statement will show heem." Rushford took it and glanced at the total. "Hmmmm. Four hundred and eighty francs say a hundred dollars." "T'at, monsieur," explained Pelletan, "iss based upon our present custom. As pusiness increase', so do t'e expense increase." "Of course." "But not in t'e same ratio as t'e receipts.

"Excuse me," remarked the German actor, softly, "but vy iss it necessary dot I rescue him?" "Why he can't rescue himself," declared Mr. Pertell. "You've got to do it." "No, dot I did not mean. I meant dot as Herr Towne iss alretty wet and muddy, dot he could as vell do der rescue act." "That's so. It will be better!" said the manager. "I didn't think of that. I'll have Towne do it.

"Lord save the maid!" laughed Joan: "whatever you finds in the say to look at I can't tell. I knaw 'tis there, but I niver wants to turn my eyes that way, 'ceptin' 'tis to look at somethin' 'pon it." "Wait till you've been in a town like I have for some time," said Eve. "Wait? Iss, I 'spects 'twill be wait 'fore my turn comes to be in a town for long.

A few awls to enable him to mend his bark canoe when open water came, and a couple of steel traps, some gun-flints, and, O yes, he had almost forgotten a most essential thing twine to make a net, and some fish-hooks. "It iss a regular outfit you will be wanting," remarked the store-keeper, as he handed over the various articles.

"Or one of the kind that orders out the firing squad if his dinner don't set well on him?" Swartz had seen better natured men than the Colonel, but on the other hand admitted that he had seen worse. "He iss a young man," he said, "and he ain't got so much sense that it bothers him, yet he tries to keep them devils quiet if he can." "Well, give me a drink of water if you ain't got no beer.