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But this notwithstanding, with valiant fight hir people entered, and so the towne was woon: she got diuerse other places out of their hands, & constreined them of Yorkeshire to agree with hir, so that some of them promised to become hir subiects: some vowed to aid hir, and some sware to be at hir commandement. Hunt. West. West it should appeere.

From thence wee went to Bannaras which is a great towne, and great store of cloth is made there of cotton, and Shashes for the Moores.

Therefore if you put this virgin in the Asses belly, you shall but execute your indignation against her, without all manner of profit; But I would advise you to carry the virgin to some towne and to sell her: and such a brave girle as she is, may be sold for a great quantity of money. And I my selfe know certaine bawdy Marchants, amongst whom peradventure one will give us summes of gold for her.

"I wonder how old I'll have to be before you realize I'm grown up, Charlie!" Charlie looked at her critically. "Well, when you're eighteen, maybe." "Lydia'll be twenty-five before she gets through looking like a baby, but Olga's a young lady now," said Kent. He was eying the girls with the air of a connoisseur. "Three peaches, aren't they, Miss Towne?"

And about one of the clocke in the afternoone, the forenamed captaine of the May Flower wrote a letter a shoare, directing it to the head officer of the towne of Santa Cruz, to the intent to vnderstand the pretense of the shooting off the said ordinance.

Michell, who is going out of towne because of the sicknesse, and her husband, a pint of wine, and so Sir W. Warren coming to me by appointment we away by water home, by the way discoursing about the project I have of getting some money and doing the King good service too about the mast docke at Woolwich, which I fear will never be done if I do not go about it.

The Indians fought with such courage, that many times they draue our men put of the towne. The fight lasted so long, that for wearinesse and great thirst many of the Christians went to a poole that was neere the wal, to drink, which was all stained with the blood of the dead, and then came againe to fight.

The day before they broke camp, Lydia's old squaw appeared and asked for Charlie Jackson. Charlie and Kent were cooking dinner. "Dear me," said Miss Towne, "tell him to take the poor thing away, Lydia." "He must feed her, first," exclaimed Lydia, leading the old Indian over to the cooking shelter.

And after that we had turned into the next Inne, we heard of a prettie jest committed in the towne there, which I would that you should know likewise. Of the deceipt of a Woman which made her husband Cuckold.

They do all unanimously report that he did constantly affirme that he was imployed by the King of Great Brittain and did act by his commission; so that the general discourse here in towne is that one of the King of England's agents is in the Bastille; though att Court they pretend to know nothing of it and would have the world think they are persuaded he had no relacion to his Majesty.

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